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Virgil wasn't stupid. He wasn't even in the slightest. He knew his friends were normal. The little quirks about them but this... They both have mentioned an alpha, which Dee had said Colt was to them. They've both stated Virgil was 'only human' as well. Which yes, is a saying but... not the way they were saying it, and Virgil knew that.

Looking over at the man beside him, he could see the fear. Like the fact that he listened and got in the car was enough to kill him. It made Virgil realize he couldn't just sit back and wait. His friends were in danger. He had to figure out what was happening and he had to do it now.

"V-Virgil, can you please take me back home?" Virgil narrowed his eyes as he just kept driving only to frown hearing that pained and frightened whimper from his friend. He sounded like a small puppy and that made it hurt even more. "Virgil? Please? If I'm not there he's just going to..."

"I'll figure out a way to get Dee out of there Remus. Right now my focus is on you."

"Virgil, there isn't anything you can do..." Virgil locked the doors just as he slammed on the brakes and let out a shaky breath as his nerves tore through him. "I know you care. I know your trying but... We can't disobey him. If we found me and told me to come back... I'd have no choice. I would listen." Virgil couldn't stop the tears that fell from his eyes but he didn't say anything. "You have to understand, Virgie. There are things you just can't change. People you can't save."

"I don't want to 'save' people, Remus... I'm protecting my family." Remus reached over and took Virgil's hand with a soft smile despite the pain as the other started driving again. "I'll protect you. You and Dee both."

"Virgil, we aren't a pack. You don't have to protect us. You are just a human... not our alpha."

"Your alpha is an abusive ass who you've said many times will kill you both." Remus's eyes flashed as Virgil smirked over at him. "I'm not stupid, Remus. I listen."


"Enough of this, Ray. You aren't going to change my mind." They sat in silence for the rest of the way until Remus spotted his house and tensed up bad. "Ray, It's ok."

"No... no, it's not. You're going to take me in there. I'm going to sick from the smell of coffee. Colt's going to find I'm gone and take it out on my mate. Then he'll kill you for taking me away but not before making me suffer." Virgil sighed as he got out of the car. His nerves were killing him. He wasn't stupid. He knew just how dangerous everything was. He pissing Colt off for a reason. He hated putting Dee in this situation but the sooner he had that proof the easier it'll be to get them both far away from that man. Hearsay does nothing. He needed evidence. "Virgil?"

"Let's go, Ray." Remus sighed as he let Virgil pull him up and help him into the house. The scent of coffee permeated everything and it took everything he had not to gag. Virgil sighed seeing how the boy paled as he quickly started for his bedroom.

"Virgil? Is that you?" Shit... Virgil looked towards the kitchen just in time to find his father walk out with a confused look. "What are you doing home so..." Emile's eyes went impossibly wide at the sight of Remus who cowered into his friend. "What happened?"

"I can't say." Emiles eyes darkened as Remus whimpered. "He needs a place to stay."

"No, Virgil. I told you..."

"I'm not letting you back in that house, Remus." Emile nodded as he helped Virgil take the boy up. He was instantly in his caretaker mode and Virgil couldn't help but smile. He loved his fathers so much. "Just hang on, Ray. My dad'll help."


"I know, Dad." Virgil ran off to find Emile's first aid kit but he couldn't get his hands to stop shaking. Everything was starting to get to him bad... and he hasn't even done the dangerous part yet. If Remus knew what he was planning the man would kill him himself. Especially because of what it entails for Dee. Trust me, he wasn't to happy with himself either. He found the first aid and ran back into the room to find Remus fussing.

"No, I have to go back. Let me go. Let me go back. He'll hurt Dee. He'll..."

"Remus, lay down!" Remus's eyes widened before he stopped and just laid back with tears in his eyes. "I know we can't keep you here but please... at least let us try and help you."

"But Dee..." Virgil handed the first aid over before laying on the best beside his friend. "Virgil, my mates trapped there with him. I can't... I have to be there. I have to protect him. Colt hates him. Won't even let us call him by his real name." Virgil's eyes flashed as he lifted himself up to glare down at the other. "Uh oh..."

"Real name?" Remus cowered away a bit as Virgil sat up and frowned. "What do you mean real name?"

"My mate isn't named Dee, but Colt refuses to call him anything other than Deceit." Virgil shot his father a glance noticing right away how dark and concerned they were. "We literally are forced to say his name is Dee otherwise... otherwise... Ja..." Remus curled up into himself as he rolled over and cried. "Virgil, please? Please, let me go home. I don't want him to hurt my mate."

"Remus, it's going to be ok." Virgil smiled sadly as he ran his hand down the others arm. "I've got a plan."

"A plan?" Virgil smiled as he looked over to see his other dad in the doorway with his coffee. Of course, that only made Remus sneeze and scrunch his nose in discomfort. "What plan?"

"I'm gonna need your camera." Remy's eyes widened as he pushed his sunglasses down to shoot his son a questioning look. "And some help."

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