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It was a nice day. The birds were singing. The flowers were blooming. On days like this, Virgil would usually find himself at the park. That's why it wasn't unusual that he had chosen there to meet with Dee. There was nothing about it at all. The sky was a beautiful clear blue that day and Virgil smiled. He was just sitting on a bench calm and collected...

Like a fucking dumpster fire.

Virgil bit his lip as his leg bounced anxiously. He just couldn't get out of his head. The first issue at hand... Remus. The boy didn't text him back. Even after Virgil sent him quite a few worried ones there was no reply. Remus ALWAYS texts back. Usually the moment he got them. This time Virgil got nothing but silence.

Then there was Dee. Virgil knew something was very wrong with him. For one, every text Virgil sent was immediately responded to. Remus does that, not Deceit. Deceit usually takes to long to text back. Then there was the fact that it was with as minimum amount of words he could to get his point across. Do you want to go do something tomorrow? 'Yea.' How about the park? I think it would be good to get out of the house, might be fun. 'Sure.' What time do you want to meet up? 'i don't care.' And the worst one Virgil got, the one that really made him worried... Do you know if Remus is ok? I don't know what happened. I'm really worried and he hasn't texted back. 'No. It's fine.' Then...

Then it was that look.

When Virgil had passed him in the hall Dee had given him this look. It tore at him completely. It was the kind of look the both apologized and begged you for help. The kind that literally made your heart shrivel up in pain.  Something was wrong and he had to get to the bottom of it.

"Hey... Virgil." Virgil's heart dropped as he looked over to see his friend beside him. He looked like he didn't sleep at all and Virgil wasn't blind to the amount of foundation the kid had on. "So, what did you have planned today?"

"Nothing." Dee frowned as he shifted anxiously making Virgil even more concerned. "I just wanted to hang."

"Oh... ok, that's cool. Just as long as we can go get some ice cream later. I've been craving some all day for some reason." Virgil nodded with a smile as he got up so the two could go for a walk. Virgil was beyond concerned. Usually, Dee was very cool and strong. Now... Now all he saw from his friend was a scared and submissive stature. 

"Dee, is everything ok?" There wasn't a response. They kept on walking as the leaves fell over top of them until Virgil got tired of the silence. "Dee! Please, talk to me."

"Yes. Everything is fine." The tone Dee had proved even more it wasn't fine. His voice was shaky and his hands fidgeted. "It's quite nice out today. I was worried it would rain."

"The weather didn't call for it." Virgil didn't take his eyes off of his friend and Dee never looked at him once. "Have you heard from Remus?" Oh god, the flinch. Virgil stopped them both right there and then as he grabbed Dee's hand. "Dee talk to me. I know the signs when I see them. My father's a therapist. Who's hurting you?" Dee's eyes widened as he quickly pulled his hand from Virgil's with a smile. 

"No one. Virge, I'm fine." Dee sighed as he hugged that familiar green hoodie. It wasn't unusual for Dee to be wearing it. He and Remus were together. What was unusual though was the way he dug his nails into the sleeves.

"Dee, I'm your friend..." Dee opened his mouth to say something but Virgil stopped him before he could. "...and I care. I know something is wrong. I can see it. You don't get raised by someone like Dr. Emile Picani and not learn the signs. I know you're in trouble." Virgil reached up towards some uneven tone in his foundation and lightly rubbed it way despite the wince Dee gave him. Dark bruising covered his cheek making Virgil's heartache. "Who is it?"

"Virgil, I'm fin..."

"Is it Remus?" Virgil new the response he would get but he knew if he didn't say it Dee would never talk.

"ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMETHING? OF FUCKING COURSE IT WASN'T MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND ARE YOU SHITTING ME RIGHT NOW?!" Virgil smiled softly as Dee's eyes filled with horror. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. You just... Remus... and I can't... not... Ah, I'm sorry."

"Dee, it's fine. I know how you both are. Remus has come after me over somethings I've said too, you know. You guys are just really protective of each other." Dee's eyes darkened as Virgil rubbed his arm. "Which is why you not seeming to care over Remus getting hurt is completely out of character. Who is it that is hurting you both?"

"Virgil, I can't." Virgil sighed as he nodded knowing he can't push.

"Ok, why don't we just call it a day then. We can go for that ice cre..."

"NO!" Virgil froze up as Dee yelled out with this look of fear. "No, no ice cream. In fact, lets both stay as far away from that parlor as we can for now ok? Ok. Actually let's just go to your place, huh?"

"But my house always makes you and Ray sick." Dee was antsy. Virgil could literally see the man's fight or flight kicking him in the ass. He needed to help his friends and soon. "Ok. We can do that. The only problem is my car..." Dee's eyes dropped as Virgil smiled apologetically. "... is by the shops."

"The ice cream parlor..." Virgil nodded as Dee frowned in thought. "Ok. We go to your car and we leave. No looking around. No detour. No nothing. We just leave and go to your place. Is that ok?"

"Ok, course Dee." Virgil pulled the boy in trying really hard to ignore how badly he was shaking. Dee wouldn't stop looking at everything but Virgil kept his eyes on Dee. As they got to Virgil's car Dee tensed up immediately his eyes resting on one area specifically. Virgil went to go look at what could possibly have gotten his friend so scared went heard Dee whimper and he snapped out of his head fast. Virgil took his arms carefully leading him to the passenger door before hopping in himself. He was backing out slightly when a face popped up in the rearview and he had to stop. He watched painfully aware of every step the boy took until he tapped on Virgil's window. Dee's response was instant.

"Is everything ok?" Colt stood there outside the car door, his eyes focused solely on Virgil's friend who was curled up as if about to get sick. 

"Yep, my friends just not feeling well. I'm taking him home." Colt quirked a brow before sighing and giving Virgil a concerned smile.

"Well, I hope he feels better. I was concerned when I saw you literally holding him up. Are you sure he doesn't have to go to the hospital?" Virgil could see the way Colt's eyes were trained on Dee. It was making him sick. Like he said, he knew the sign too well. Of course, the charming ones are the evil ones. God, he hates charming people. He doesn't trust them one bit. "If you want I can give you both a lift. My cars pretty fast."

"I've got it." Virgil slammed on the gas getting them both the fuck out of there as he watched Colt staring after them from the window. "I think I just figured out who."

"I'm sorry." Virgil frowned as Dee slowly moved till he as resting enough to have his hand touching Virgil. As if needing to know he was still there. "I'm sorry."

"Hey now. Don't apologize." Virgil frowned as he let out a shaky breath. "You knew he was there didn't you?" Dee nodded as he closed his eyes and flinched despite Virgil not having moved. "It's ok Dee. It's going to be ok."

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