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"Congrats, dude." Virgil smiled as Remy punched his arm lightly. "Gettin' that diploma..."

"Remy, no need to embarrass the kid." Emile chuckled softly as Thomas smiled beside the boy. "18 years old and fresh out of high school."

"Yep, I have my dad's to thank for that... All three of them." Thomas's eyes went wide as he looked down to see Virgil smiling up at him. "Or at least the one right here."

"Three..." Virgil nodded as Emile shot him a confused look.

"Thomas took me in when my other dads couldn't care for me anymore. Sort of... adopted me. I wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for him." Virgil rolled his eyes hearing the awe that filled the room. "Emile..."

"And you told me not to embarrass the kid." The whole group burst out into laughter until Remy shot Virgil a smirk. "So... now that your officially and adult now... any ideas for your future?" Virgil smiled sadly as he looked up at Thomas before shrugging.

"I was thinking of starting a studio." Emile's eyes widened as Virgil laughed. "I was told a long time ago that if I love what I'm doing then I should pursue it. I love my art so..."

"I think that's a great idea." Virgil smiled as he rubbed his neck awkwardly.

"Thanks... I already have a place I've been looking at a few towns over. I think it'd be nice to have a fresh start over there." Thomas nodded as he squeezed Virgil's shoulder. Emile and Remy both smiled fondly at him.

"Well, we're gonna miss you kid. It won't be the same without you but... know we're rooting for you." Virgil beamed as he literally slammed into the two shocking them as Thomas just shook his head telling them to deal with it.

"I'm gonna miss you too."

"Awe, kiddo. You have our numbers, and we can always keep in touch." Virgil pulled away as Emile brushed his tears away. "You're like the son we never had."

"I think what my husband is saying is..." Remy smirked as he stuffed his hands into his leather coat pockets. "...Love ya, kid."

"Yeah... I know." Virgil smiled as the two started walking off. "I love you too."

"You ok, Virgil." Virgil sighed as he wiped his tears away looking over to see Dee and Remus standing there. 

"Yeah, I'm good. But we... have to talk." Thomas nodded as the other two frowns in confusion watching as Virgil made his way outside. Virgil sat on the railing overlooking the school's field and smiled.

"Virge, what's this about?" Ray sat on the steps as Dee stood beside him with a frown. Virgil didn't look at them. Instead, he just kept staring off into the horizon.

"I'm leaving." Remus laughed as Virgil's eyes narrowed.

"Well, no duh, Virgil. School's over. Why stay longer..."

"Not school, Ray." Remus tensed up as Virgil smiled, still not looking over at them. "I'm leaving town. I found a nice place a few towns over with a studio beneath it. Thomas said he'd come with me and help me out."

"When do you leave?" Virgil sighed as he shook his head. "Virg..."

"Tonight, Dee. The sooner I leave the better." The two mates shared a look as Thomas just watched from the sidelines. "I guess, what I'm saying is... I know after everything with Colt, the last thing you would want is another alpha but..." Virgil finally looked over at them with a soft smile making their eyes go wide. "I wanted to ask if you would join me."

"You mean..." Ray started only for Dee to finish.

"Create a pack... under you?" Virgil's smile widened as Dee frowned in thought. "The three of us."

"Only if you want. I won't force you to do anything." Dee's eyes shined as he held Remus's hand tightly. "Plus with where I'm going, Remus has said he can't...

"Virgil, I trust you." Virgil froze up as Remus smiled over at him. "I don't care where we go... or why. You proved you would protect me... protect us. There isn't anyone I would want to be my alpha."

"Are you sure?" Both boys nodded and the look of relief that filled Virgil's face could hit you like a brick. "So... that it... We're a pack... The three of us... together..."

"We're family, Virgie." Remus called as he held out a hand for Virgil to take. Dee did the same with a bright smile.

"We already were a pack."

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