Let Destiny Begin

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Sylvari's POV

I heard him. Barely, but I did. Those three words I had been hearing in my vision repeatedly throughout the years.


I trembled upon hearing those three words. I could feel his hunters gaze fixed upon my form, I was his prey.

I stared back at him, recognizing so many details that I had seen in my visions.

"Take off your mask, monster! Show me your face for you are in the presence of royalty! I am Princess Sylvari Alvaross of the Royal Light Bloodline. Respect will be shown!" I said haughtily.

Without hesitation, Kylo knelt on one knee and began to take of his mask. A quick hiss came from a mechanism on his helmet as he slowly peeled it off to reveal his face.

I was stunned. He had black shoulder length hair, dark hazel eyes that stared into my soul, the body of man well trained, and a strong nose.

I was expecting a literal monster to appear before me. I had judged him too soon, his looks might have been appealing but his aura was as black as they come.

He spoke firmly with intrigue in his eye; "Princess Sylvari Alvaross of the Royal Light Bloodline I have come to claim what is mine by destiny, you."

I rose from my bed and walked straight up to him at the edge of my force field.

"I am owned by no one," I huffed.

With an evil chuckle he stood up; "My name is Kylo Ren, Master of the Knights of Ren, and Commander of The First Order," He said proudly.

"Kylo...Ren. Finally, a name for the monster that plagued my visions," I thought internally.

"Whatever power you think you have to stop me with, princess, I will break through and by the end of today I will have you in my grasp." He said confidently.

Staring into each other's eyes, reaching deep inside each other for weakness, they both found none.

Under the mask reveal. ☺️
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Bewitching Affection • Kylo Ren X OCWhere stories live. Discover now