Strength That Is Necessary

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Sylvari's POV

Kylo is staring at me like he doesn't know what to say or do. In that moment I could feel him soften his grip on my wrists. Immediately I swing my elbow toward his face. He dodges my attack seamlessly as he steps away and off of the bed. Now with my feet planted I crouch on the bed, ready to move quickly for whatever comes next. I could feel my blush still apparent on my cheeks.

"Do not do that again!" I spat.

"What? Invade your mind while you were indisposed." He said poking fun at me.

"I...I don't get to control what I see or feel, ok. Trust me, I don't want you anywhere near me."

He's silent for a moment.

"Your visions." he whispered under his breath.

"What have you seen?"

"I know you had a vision once you had my grandfather's helmet in your hands."

"What did you see?" He asked firmly.

I could feel the malice of his question ooze off of him.

I hesitated.

"Answer me!" He barked at me.

Jumping slightly at his tone of voice I tell him.

"It's not that I saw something per's what I felt."

"What you felt?" He said confused.

"Yes. The owner of this helmet has suffered such grief that I have never felt before. He was a tormented soul who lost everything but yet found such strength within that grief that it let him inflict pain against all who would cross his path. Never wavering to fulfill his goal. I felt the pain of his loss and the pain he inflicted on his victims."

I began to tremble at just remembering the raw dark power I had felt eminating off his helmet.

I look up quickly at Kylo's face.
He looked perplexed by my answer.

"Go get ready for the day. Talia will be in shortly. She will get you dressed and guide you to the training grounds on the ship."

"The training grounds?"

"Yes. I want to see what you're fully capable of princess."

"And why would I go anywhere with you." I say firmly.

"Very well then. I can chain you to the bed again and leave you in here all day if you like."

I don't even hesitate running to the bathroom and closing the door quickly.

"That's what I thought." I heard him say on the other side of the door.

Now in the bathroom I quickly undress and step into the shower stall. The hot water relaxes my body and mind. I do not waste any time. I scrub my body with soap and begin to rinse. Wrapping a towel around me as I get out I hear two quick knocks at the door.

"Princess, I'm coming in."

Talia walks in wearing the same outfit as before. She is holding an all black outfit suited for training I assumed.

The fit was perfect for me. I admired myself in the mirror with how well tailored this was.

As I'm about to walk out Talia motioned for me to stay.


"I need to do your hair. We can't leave it down if you're going to train."

She motions for me to sit. Ten minutes later and my hair is in a beautiful braid up do with a few hair wisps on the sides framing my face.

Bewitching Affection • Kylo Ren X OCWhere stories live. Discover now