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Kylo's POV

I arrive in the throne room and take my usual place kneeling. Snoke's hologrammed form appeared.

"Kylo. Have you succeeded in capturing the girl?"

"Yes, Master."


"She is everything you said she would be. Her power is strong and I see great potential in training her."

"Good. Keep me updated on your progress with her."

He disappeared leaving me alone in the throne room.

I then felt her through the force.

"I shouldn't be able to feel this much if she's wearing the collar. The collar..."

Hurrying back, I walked into the room I had chained her in. In her place I see General Hux sleeping on the bed with the collar and chain attached to him. I couldn't help but smile at how dumb he looked.

"He had been tricked by her." I laughed internally.

"Wait why was he here? Ugh, I'll deal with you later." I said to him.

I took a moment to hone into where she was. I opened my eyes and walked to my study. Opening the door, I saw her holding my grandfather's helmet.

"Sylvari. What are you..."

She immediately starts to fall backwards dropping the helmet to the floor. I catch her easily. Holding her against me, I see that her eyes are closed and tears streamed down her face. I pick her up bridal style and place her on my bed.

"What did you see?" I thought to myself.

Her breaths were deep as she slept indicating that she was truely asleep.

She was so captivating. My fingers traced her delicate face as I looked down on her.

I heard a groan from the other room and remembered Hux was there. Rolling my eyes and sighing, I walk into the next room.

"That little minx! How did I get into this?! The last thing I remember was... She was smiling at me and thanking me for taking it off..."

Seeing me he jumped.

"Kylo...I...I mean I was just."

I laugh at Hux in his sad, stuttering state. Hux dropped his head in defeat.

"She tricked me!" he hissed.

"And how did she do that?" I asked.

"Well she um...well."

Taking too long to explain. I entered the General's mind to see what had happened.

I see Sylvari shyly peer over her shoulder at him as he entered. My lady? I could hear in his voice how smitten he was over her.

"Sylvari is smiling at him!" I hissed to myself.

She reaches out and touches his hair and he is loving every second of it. I am beyond mad at this point. She then puts him to sleep.

"Well good riddance." I huff.

Releasing him from my hold. I start to force choke him.

"You will never lay a hand on her! Am I understood?"

His head shook violently up and down.
Letting him go, he coughed and sputtered, gasping for breath.

With a flick of my wrist the collar came off.

"Get out! Now!" I yelled.

He left in a hurry, not even giving me a second glance as he rushed out.

I sigh frustrated from what I've just seen.

Bewitching Affection • Kylo Ren X OCWhere stories live. Discover now