On The Edge

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Sylvari's POV

Suddenly I hear the hiss of my door open and the sound of heavy boots walking in my direction.

I was too distracted with helping my new friends escape that I didn't even sense Kylo's arrival back onto the ship.

My eyes open and I see the fully armored Kylo Ren minus his helmet that he's holding under his arm.

I stand up instantly and step back gauging his body language while mentally fortifying my thoughts from him in a instant.

We simply stared at one another for a moment, both filled with so much to say, yet we remained silent to one another.

"Princess." He said with a nod acknowleding me.


"What are you doing?" He stated plainly.

"Nothing. You just surprised me is all. I wasn't expecting you. You've been gone for days. I haven't seen you since..."

My mind trails off reminding me of what happened when we were last together.

"Since your last vision of me, yes?" He says.

"Yes." I say quietly.

A quick double knock echoes from the door. A stormtrooper enters our quarters and proceeds to walk in.

"Excuse me, Commander Ren. General Hux would like to speak with you right away. It's urgent."

Sighing tiredly Kylo was not up for speaking with the orange weasel since just getting back on the ship just a few moments ago.

"Fine. Tell him I will be there shortly."

Staring at me momentarily he places his helmet back on his head and walked out without saying a word.


Kylo's POV

Without delay I headed to the main bridge where Hux was located.

General Hux is pacing back and forth on the bridge as I approach. I can feel that he is nervous.

"Commander. There has been a recent development..." He paused.

"Spit it out General. I don't have all day."

"The Resistance pilot has escaped with the help of a stormtrooper."

Lighting my lightsaber I immediately destroy a nearby station taking out all of my anger on it. Sparks and noises of electricity sounded around the now decimated station on the bridge.

"You let our prisoner just waltz off of the ship. How could you let this happen! I was gone for only a couple of days. Your incompetence is outstanding General!"


I cut him off from what he's about to say.

"What do you have to say for yourself?!"

"Commander. Supreme leader Snoke would like to see us." He said.

Bewitching Affection • Kylo Ren X OCWhere stories live. Discover now