The Flame Within

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Sylvari's POV

"There she is!" Han called out.

Looking out into the distance I could see the ship.

Just then an earthquake began. The ground began to shake and move. Rey, Finn and I fell down the ridge rolling until we hit the bottom. The snow luckily broke our fall to the bottom.

"Is everyone alright?" Finn called out.

"More or less!" I shouted.

Rey grimacing held her neck giving a thumbs up.

"We're not going to be able to climb on back from where we fell."

"We'll find another way and meet up with Han and Chewbacca."

"Alright, let's go!"

I followed Finn and Rey through the snowy forest. Snow was falling ever so lightly showering down upon us. It was  enchanting walking through the forest. Peaceful and quiet.

We enter a small clearing stopping momentarily to see which direction to continue.

Time stood still as I felt his presence closing in and fast.

"Get behind me!" I yelled as I ran in front of them.

Kylo came into view walking out from behind some trees. Activating his lightsaber immediately upon seeing us.

Talia appeared right beside him. She looked terrified.

I could feel his fury radiating off him. His breaths heavy as he stood in his fighting stance waiting to see what I would do.

"Sylvari! Last chance! Come here...NOW!" 

I stilled not wanting to move a muscle.

"Don't do this Kylo!"

He held his saber very close to Talia. She will pay the price for your insolence.

I looked to Talia now. Tears streamed down her face as she began to shake out of fear.

Reaching out to Rey I spoke to her.

"Rey. Take Talia with you to the Resistance. Kylo won't kill me. I'm too valuable to him but he won't hesitate to kill Talia if I don't act quickly. Promise me!"

I glance over my left shoulder to her.

She hesitates but quickly gave me a nod of approval.

"Thank you."

I begin walking slowly over to Kylo. He is watching me closely with every step.

"Let her go Kylo. It's me you want."

He lowers his light saber away from Talia and completely focuses on me.

Focusing on my words I begin speaking softly too him without breaking eye contact. Entwining the force with my voice.

"Kylo I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."

His mind was unraveling letting me hear his thoughts.

"You're going to leave me! Just like everyone else in my life!" 

Hearing the raw sadness in his voice I realize this is Ben talking. The real him that he's tucked away for many years.

"No. I'm right here."

My hand cupped his face staring deep into his eyes I smiled and reassured him.

"My place is by your side, always...Ben."

I saw it like before when we first met. A smouldering ember within him. It was no longer just a smoulder but now a ball of flame burning brightly enveloping me with it's warmth.

"Ben...disable your lightsaber and give it to me."

Without hesitation he handed it to me.

Speaking to Rey I gave her the go ahead.

"Now, Rey. Go!"

Rey and Finn run to Talia and whisked her away. My last glimpse of Talia is her mouthing thank you before turning away and disappearing into the forest with Rey and Finn.

I freeze realizing I had broken eye contact with Ben.

I slowly turn my head looking at him once again.

He's looking at me completely confused. I slowly start to back away knowing what is about to happen.

He scowls at me.

I can feel his confusion turn into rage. Building as he's putting the pieces together.

"Sylvari...what did you just. Why do you have my lightsaber?!" He said darkly.

I hide the lightsaber behind my back.

One step back I take he takes two steps  forward slowly inching closer.

"I...can explain."

"Where are the others? What did you..."

I saw the flame in his eyes disappear back into a smoulder. Ben was gone.

"You manipulated my emotions!" He seethed now slightly shaking.

The ground began to quake again. The ground opening up threatening to swallow us whole.

The sound of a cruiser sounded above us.

Looking up I could see General Hux hanging out the side of the cruiser slowly lowering to the floor.

"The planet is gonna blow. We need to evacuate!" He said waving us over.

Feeling the ground under us begin to crack we both sprint to the ship. We barely stepped into the ship when the ground falls into the abyss of the planet.

Breathing heavily we both turned and looked at one another rekindling the intense moment we had moments before.

"My lightsaber." He said darkly with his hand stretched out to me.

Looking down at the heavy weapon in my hand I give it to him reluctantly.

Clipping it to his side he sighs.

"This is not over."

Sylvari has made her choice to stay since seeing a slice of Ben inside Kylo. Will there be some hope for there future? 👫

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