Poe Dameron

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Sylvari's POV

It had been a few days at least since I had seen Kylo Ren. I could sense that he hasn't even been on the ship in some time. I was relieved and could sleep a little better knowing he isn't on the other side of the room that's adjoined to mine.

I spend my days mostly in my room. Taking my meals in my room as I had requested books to pass the time.

I now have come to know about the First Order and how it was founded.

Kylo had mentioned his grandfather was the owner of the helmet I had felt the awful vision from. His name was Darth Vader or really his name was Anakin Skywalker. Darth Vader was his Sith name. But not anymore information than that was listed.

Talia brings me my meals for the day but she never stays long because she has other duties to attend to.

My days have been quite peaceful allowing me to meditate and focus on the force.

Up until recently it had been peaceful during my meditation sessions but this time I felt a distortion in the force. It was coming from someone on the ship. It would spike up quickly but disappears just as fast. I could tell whoever this was they were in an extreme amount of pain. My only conclusion to this was he or she was being tortured. I hadn't been able to pinpoint there location just yet.

This morning I had decided on focusing my day on finding this disturbance. I got off my bed onto the soft mat on the floor and assumed my position.

I began my search. Hours had gone by but I persisted, searching endlessly through the force to feel it once again. I was about to take a break when I felt it. The disturbance I felt was much more intense than the last few times. Reaching out I connected with it before it could disappear again.

I saw a man in his mid thirties with brown wavy hair and eyes. He was quite handsome despite the look of stress that was on his face. I realized he's cuffed to his chair by his ankles and wrists. He's looking around frantically while trying to bust from his restraints but to no avail.

Kylo Ren enters the torture room with two storm troopers flanking on each side. They stand proudly waiting by the exit.

Fortunately, Kylo doesn't seem to sense me being here. Knowing this I'm thankful for all the training and time that went into honing my abilities.
It's moments like these where I can be undetected even from another force user that reminds me of how my power has grown over the years.

Kylo appears to be frustrated with the man in front of him. It was radiating off of him in his silence.

"Poe Dameron, the best pilot of the resistance. How foolish of you too be captured by the First Order. I hear you've put up quite the fight during your torture. No details yet I am told. But now I'm here. You will tell me what I want to know." He said darkly.

"Or what? You're going to kill me?" He says sarcastically.

"If I tell you. You kill me. If I don't tell you. You kill me. Same outcome buddy."

Kylo begins to force choke Poe.

"Oh, but I can make your death painfully slow. Your choice rebel scum."

Poe is struggling to breathe as the seconds pass. He frantically begins to shake his head up and down conceding to Kylo's force choke.

He gasps and coughs from the strain.

"Where is the droid?!" Kylo roars through his voice modular.

"It's...It's on...Jakku." He says defeatedly.

Kylo says nothing and leaves immediately with his storm troopers.

"Jakku? A Droid? The Resistance? What did Kylo want with them or this man?"

I could see the relief on Poe's face now that he was alone. I peered over at him looking at all the cuts and bruises that marked his body from interrogation. I winced while scanning at the brutality that was subjected to his body.

Placing my palm onto his forearm I focused. I gave him a bit of my light to heal and comfort him just enough to ease his suffering. I didn't want to heal him completely for it would have been too suspicious under these circumstances. I could see he began to feel the effects of my healing but was confused on why he felt better.

Once finished I placed both hands on either side of his temples and entered his mind.

"Poe Dameron." I spoke softly.

"Who...what? I'm hearing voices now. I'm losing it in here." He chuckled.

"No Poe, you're not. I'm real. Not a figment of your imagination."

"What? Who are you? What's happening?"

"I'm the one who's going to help you get out of here. I have healed you just enough to give you some of your strength back. I know where you are and I'm going to get you out. Hold on for awhile longer. Don't give up hope. I'm on your side."

"That's what that warm sensation was."

"Thank you for that. I need all the help I can get sweetheart. What's your name?"

"Princ...Sylvari. You can call me Sylvari."

"Sylvari. What a beautiful name. Where are you?" He smiled.

I took a breath and projected myself so he could see me.

His eyes went wide and he smiled.

"Sylvari...thank you. How are you doing this?"

I can project myself using the force to communicate with you. You are just within my reach here on the ship.

"The ship...your here on the ship?!" He said worriedly.

"Yes." I said glancing at the floor uncomfortably.

"Like you I am a prisoner here on this ship. But you...you have a chance to get out."

"I will reach out to you like I am now. You will feel my presence before you see me. Once you do, be ready. I will guide you to the launch bay where you can take a tie fighter out of here."

"I hear you're one of the best." I smiled.

"Damn straight I am young lady!" He said giving me a devilish grin.

With that I disconnected from him and was back in my room. I must be the one to help this man. Anyone against the First Order is an ally of mine.

Days had gone by to formulate my plan to get Poe off of this ship. I had explored almost the entirety of the ship in order to set my plan in motion. I was ready. I could only hope Poe was ready as well.
Escape plan is a Go!
If you're reading let me know with a comment or vote. Thanks. 👍

Bewitching Affection • Kylo Ren X OCWhere stories live. Discover now