The teacher-Prinxiety/smut

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Warning- anal sex, fingering, teacher x student, and cussing
Summary-this is a teacher x student au where Roman is the social studies teacher in a college who is 20 and Virgil is 19, and things get frisky after class ;) (I'm so sorry)

It was 1:45 about 30 more minutes of Virgils classes and then he gets to go home. Currently Virgil was in social studies taking a test, Mr. Prince, the teacher, was walking around the classroom checking if anyone was cheating on the test. When he got to Virgils desk he kinda, no definitely looked at his ass. 'Damn' Roman thought.

Roman has always noticed how good of a student Virgil Black was. Roman also noticed how cute, adorable, hot, THICK, and all around just short he was. Roman, and Virgil have had conversations with each other before. They knew each other in high school even if Roman was In a different grade, Virgil, and he still talked.

After class and everyone left Virgil was still there because he had to pack up his shit. 'Can I just hurry the fuck up' Virgil thought to himself.

Roman walked over to Virgil, and picked up a book of his. "Hello Virgil, how are you?" Roman asked. "Good Mr. Prince." Virgil replied "oh you can call me Roman, Virgil. We knew each other in high school. Sure I'm your teacher, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends still." Roman said. "O-oh ok Roman." Virgil packed up his things in a bag, and then Roman gave him the book.

"So... hows college going for you?" Roman asked trying to strike up a conversation. "Good, this semester has been pretty easy to me." "Well that good." Roman bit his lip thinking of how good it would feel to press his lips against Virgils.

Roman did just that. He grabbed the sides of Virgils head smashing their lips together. When they broke apart panting they looked into each others eyes. Virgil grabbed Roman by his jacket, and smashed their lips together again. Roman took off Virgils hoodie, and undid his own belt.

Virgil took off Romans jacket, and shirt. Roman leaned down, and started kissing Virgils neck leaving hickeys all over. Virgil moan once Roman reached a certain spot. Roman places Virgil on the desk, and took off the rest of their clothes leaving them both naked.

Roman held his fingers up to Virgils lips making him suck on them. Roman took them out once they were wet enough. He entered a finger in Virgil, kissing his neck, and chest.

Roman entered another finger in Virgil, and started doing a scissoring motion stretching him.

"F-fuck Roman!" Virgil moaned out as Roman hit his prostate. Roman took out his fingers, and lined up his cock with Virgils hole. Roman pushed into Virgil. While letting Virgil adjust to his cock he kissed Virgil exploring the walls of his mouth with his tongue.

"M-move" Virgil panted. Slowly Roman  began thrusting into Virgil. "F-faster!" Roman couldn't deny Virgil that so he started thrusting faster. "God Virgil you feel so good baby!" Roman panted thrusting faster. "Ohhhh!!" Virgil moaned as Roman hit his prostate.

Virgil moaned a moan that would've put a porn star to shame as he came. Soon after Roman came inside Virgil. Roman pulled out of Virgil, and went to his desk pulling out a wash cloth. Roman cleaned up themselves and the mess they made over the desk.

"We have to do that again" Roman said. "Agreed" Virgil panted coming down from his high.

From that day forward school wasn't just work it was a full on tease everyday in social studies.

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