"Take a bite"-Prinxiety/angst/fluff

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Warnings-cussing, vampire Virgil, sexual joke, angst
Summary- Virgil, is a vampire only his boyfriend, Roman, and his parents know about it. Virgil is really hungry for blood and if he can't get a hold of some blood soon he will die.

Virgil was looking at the ceiling from his bed in his dark room. Virgil was very pale, had blood shot eyes, and a stomach ache. Well Virgil was naturally pale, but paler than usual. You see since Virgil is a vampire he needs blood to survive or he will die.

Roman was in science class, now usually science was always fun, and interesting, but Virgil hadn't attended that day so it was boring, and dull. Roman wasn't alerted why Virgil had not gone to school that day so he was very curious.

As soon as school ended, Roman being Roman, he went right over to Virgils house that was kinda hidden in the woods, but noticeable due to the driveway. Roman knocked on the door to the house expecting Virgil to answer since his parents were both on a business trip. Roman went around to the back door, and found it to be unlocked.

Roman went into the darkly lit house. "Babe?" Roman whisper yelled. Roman went up the creaky stairs up to Virgils room only to find him on his bed breathing heavy, and paler than usual. "Virgil! Holy shit what happened!" Roman yelled as he sat on the bed bringing Virgils head in his lap.

"I n-need... b-blood." Virgil said dryly. Romans eyes widened. Roman knew that if Virgil didn't get blood soon he would die. Roman carefully sat Virgil up on his bed. Roman held up his arm, "take a bite." Roman said expectedly. Virgil gasped. "N-no. I couldn't!" "Babe you'll die if you don't, and it's not like it will turn me it will only leave a mark, like a hickey, and you've given me millions of those." Roman said jokingly. Virgil glared at him "fine, but it will hurt." Roman smirked "kinky."

Virgil took a bite. "Ouch. Holy shit" Roman panted. Virgil sucked up some of his blood just enough to be filled, but not too hurt his lover. "You taste good." Virgil winked. Roman laughed "I already know you taste good."

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