Opposites-Familal Prinxiety/background Royality, analogical/fluff/angst

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Warnings-cussing, talk of death, talk of  panic attacks, yelling
Summary-this is a high school, brother au between Virgil Lester, and Roman Lester, twin brothers that are complete opposites, but what happens when they need each other just don't know how to say it.

Roman paced around the front entrance of the high school waiting for his emo brother. Roman has gotten a call that he had a anxiety attack, and so he, and Roman were able to go home. As Roman was pacing he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"H-Hey..." Virgil, Romans emo younger  twin brother mumbled. "Ok wtf!" Roman whisper yelled. "Let's j-just go." Virgil said as he started walking away. Roman was right behind him right on his heels fuming.

Roman, and Virgil had never had a good relationship really. Roman was an athletic, talk, muscly, theatre nerd, bisexual, popular, and very strong. Virgil was the opposite he was short, very skinny...too skinny, emo, gay, and was bullied for everything. If you thought that having a popular brother would help you thought wrong. Roman at times even bullies Virgil.

When they arrived home Roman immediately started yelling at Virgil. Roman wanted to stay in school because he had plans for after school that were ruined now.

"Why must you be so screwed up that it makes my life difficult!" Roman yelled. "You know what I'm done taking this shit! Mom, and dad died! I'm alone at school, home, everywhere! All I do to pass time is cry! I don't know where you think I am all the time, but I'm at a therapists because you, and your friends screwed me up!" Virgil yelled sobbing.

Roman didn't know what to exactly say. He was shocked.  Virgil never really talked, and when he did it was to say sorry for shit he didn't do.

Roman started crying realizing what he has done to his brother who he promised his parents he'd protect.

What happened next shocked Virgil... Roman hugged him. Virgil let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"I-I'm so sorry! Your my brother! I've failed! I'm supposed to be protecting you when I'm the one hurting you." Roman cried.

From that point forward Roman stuck up for Virgil at all times. He hung out with him, left popularity for Virgils group, and most importantly was a brother.

Roman helped Virgil with panic attacks, and even helped him with his style. Virgil helped Roman realize he shouldn't care about being popular and should embrace who he is himself. Roman, and Virgil got close. Roman didn't expect to find love in Virgils group but he did, Patton heart. Virgil fell in love with the nerd Logan Berry.

Through thick, thin, love, loss they were there for each other, Now at least

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