Too much skin-Lampd+r/fluff/smut(but not all the way)

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Requested by my friend
Warning-in this Roman and remus are not brothers because I just don't write rem/rom, cussing, boners, kinda like punishment ig?, it does not go all the way it's just implied and very sexual talking and shit so yeah....sorry about this lmao
Summary-none of Virgils boyfriends have seen him all summer since he went to Paris with his brother, he comes back but not without making his boyfriends horny.

Logan's Pov-
It is the first day of school for 12th grade. We will all be graduating this year. We all have decided to stay together when we go off to college, and by we I mean my boyfriends and I, including Janus, Patton, Roman, remus and Virgil. We were all walking to school together...well minus Virgil. He just got back from Paris, none of us have seen him since the beginning of summer and we all miss our youngest, shortest boyfriend dearly.

"I'm so excited to see Virgil!!" Patton yelled out of nowhere. "As am I. It has been a long summer without him." I agreed.

We all began talking about how excited we were to have Virgil back. Remus added in "yeah! He's the only one who knows how to bottom well!" Everyone laughed including I...remus was correct though. Virgil was the only bottom out of all of us. Of course that's not the only reason why we miss him, but it does add to the many reasons as to why.

We finally get to school. We enter it all on the look out for Virgil. "Does anyone know his schedule?" Remus asked. "Yeah none of us have the same class as him sadly until after lunch time so the first time we'll be able to see him will be lunch." Patton said sadly.

"Well...the anticipation will make us happier when we see him!" Roman said in a heroic stance. I rolled my eyes at him. We all said our goodbyes and I love you's and went our different directions.

Time skip

It is finally time for lunch. I get there to see everyone waiting in anticipation looking at the door waiting. I walk over and sit down. "How was your-" as I was gonna ask something I see them all perk up and eyes widen. I look towards the door to see standing there Virgil. That's not just's Virgil standing there with booty shorts, under them fishnet leggings, a crop top, a chocked, and his signature hoodie tied around his waist. We all stare in awe. I can feel my pants getting tighter by the second. He spots us and smiles. He makes his way over to us.

"Hey guys!" We all get up and give him hugs, kisses and exchange I love you's and I missed you's.

At one moment though he looks at all of us and we can all immediately tell...he knows we all have boners.

"What happened exactly for you all to get....that...happy?" "'s your fault for wearing something so showing and hot." Remus growled. "That is indeed the reason. Why are you wearing something so....showing at school honey?" I asked

"I don't know I just felt like it." Virgil said. "Well...I think we gotta teach you a lesson don't we?" "I think so. You should learn that all that skin your showing is for us to see, and only us." Patton declared. "Then it's settled!" Janus took Virgils hand and took him into the bathroom...we all followed and let's just say...Virgil had to be carried to each class.

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