Death to a child pt2 -angst/ fluff

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Above is the twins room^ Requested by midnightteardrops thank you sm!!!
Warnings-cussing, talk of past miscarriage, talk of death, crying, anxiety
Summary- after Janus and Virgil have twin boys after the death of their child Virgil gets some news and his anxieties get to him.

Virgils Pov-
I was currently playing with Janus and I's 1 year old twin boys Jacob and Joseph. They were both sitting on the floor of their room with me playing with stuffed animals. They were the cutest babies ever. They both call me mama and Janus dada or daddy, it's the most adorable thing I've ever heard. I see that Joseph began to yawn so I look at the time and see that it's nap time for the two boys. I pick them both up and but them in their cribs and sit down in the chair in the corner of the room after picking up their toys. I don't know why but I've been so tired lately and have been throwing up in the mornings. I get up and turn off the light after giving both of the boys a kiss on the cheek.

As I'm walking out of the boys room my stomach begins to turn. I race to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet. I sit down on the floor for a couple minutes throwing up a couple more times. Janus couldn't help me as of currently he was at work. I sat there just thinking as to why I've been so...bleh. I decide I was gonna take some medicine, as I'm looking through the cabinets of the bathroom I find pregnancy tests.

"W....what" I was so nervous. This could be the reason for the throwing up the nausea and tiredness! At the same time though...what if it turn out like the first time...

"Wait! Okay I don't even know if I'm pregnant yet! Stop overthinking Virgil and take it." I tell myself. I take the test and set it on the counter. It says to wait 3 minutes but I can't wait that long! I start to overthink again until I hear Joseph crying. I can tell it's Joseph because they both have different cry's. Like Joseph has a bit of a higher cry while Jacob is deeper. I walk myself to the boys room and go pick up Joseph before he wakes his brother. I try to cradle  him back to sleep but he's wide awake. I look at the clock and realize it's been 3 minutes. I take Joseph and walk with him to the bathroom. He looks at the stick on the counter kinda confused.  I haven't looked at the test yet so I still don't know if I'm pregnant or not.

"You might get a little sibling Joseph. How does that sound." I say quietly my voice shaking with worry and anticipation.

I slowly make my way over to the counter with Joseph in my arms. I look at the test and staring right back at me is two big bold lines. I'm pregnant. I start to cry of joy, but also of worry and sadness. I mean how could I not! I lost a child before what if it happens again. I start sobbing. I feel a hand on my cheek and see Joseph looking up at me with wide eyes. I smile at him and bring him to his crib again, I don't want him to see me sobbing.

Time skip

Its been about an hour since I put Joseph back to bed. I've been pacing I'm my bedroom for now with the test in my hand. I've been sobbing and then panicking. I'm currently pacing back and forth with tears streaming down my face. I then hear the front door open.

"Honey?! I'm home!" I hear Janus yell happiness filling his voice. I hear him walking up the stairs. "Honey where are you?" "" I say loud enough for him to hear. I could tell he knew something was wrong cause of the shakiness in my voice. He opens the bedroom door to see me standing there with tear tracks.

"What happened baby?" He asks worriedly "I...i..." I start sobbing. "Hey...breathe baby breathe. Look at me. Whatever is wrong tell me so I can help you." "I'm....i....I'm preg....pregnant!" I look down at my shoes waiting for something I don't know what I was waiting for. Maybe for him to storm out or something. I feel a hand on my chin pulling my face up. I meet his eyes and see him smiling and his eyes filled with happiness and hope.

"Baby! We're having another baby!!!" He yells happily. He picks me up and spins me in his arms. I can't help but laugh. When he stops we walk to the bed and hold hands. I start sobbing again. "Hey....what's you not want a baby?" He asks sadly. "No! it's n...not that it's...what if it happens again. What is it dies?" I cry out in between sobs. "Honey look at me." I look at him.  "We've been through a lot in our lives but look at where we are now. We will survive. We have two beautiful healthy baby boys, we will get through it if this baby dies...but it won't, cause we will be together this time. I'll be with you every second looking out for you this time. Don't get me wrong I'm worried too, but that doesn't mean we can't be happy. We will do this." Janus reassures me. I breathe deeply "we're gonna have a baby." I smile. "We're gonna have a baby." He said happily. We both meet in the middle and seal it in a kiss. I'm glad that I have him in my life and I'm glad our babies have i'm him in their lives too. "Now" Janus starts "Joseph and Jacob are gonna he big brothers!"

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