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Author's note

Just so you all know, this is my first time writing a fanfic. . .
So I'm so sorry if this turns out to be horrible.

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."
        -Mahatma Gandhi

Pov- Blyke

       Isen stood in front of me as I was comfortably sitting on his couch and swiping away at my phone. "Blyke, seriously, you need to go back to your dorm!" He barked at me as if he was my mother. I turned off my phone and dramatically through it to the seat beside me and questioned him, "You do know who is there right?" I was talking about John.
        Two days ago he had single handily defeated the hierarchy. Which would include me, as the Jack. A day ago, me and Remi, our school's queen, were hospitalized because of his attacks.

        "I'm not going back to that place as long as he's there! I don't feel like getting beaten half to death again," I winced in pain just at the thought of it. "Ugh, fine. You should be glad I don't have a roommate," Isen finally said giving in, "Although, if I'm going to let you stay here you have to get some of your stuff from your room." 

         Of course there was a catch. I mean, once is better than for the rest of the year though. This should be fine, just easy get in get a few things that are important and get out.

      There's not even a hundred percent chance that he's there. "Fine, I'll do that." I retorted trying to sound cool. 

       I picked my phone back up and continued my previous game. This time Isen plucked my phone out of my hands with no hesitation and sternly said, "Now!" I gave him my best puppy dog eyes I could make, "But, but, but,"

        Isen was unbelievably furious, "No buts, I've got your phone until you get your stuff. Now Go!" He shouted while pointing at the door. What's gotten into him today?
         I slowly walked up to the door and turned around, he was still watching me. He motioned for me to go with his left hand and sat down on the couch. I exited the room making sure to slam the door.


Hey, I hope you all like the first part. Thank you all so much for reading


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