Michael in the bathroom

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"Jump off the cliff and build your wings in the way down."
       -Ray Bradbury


      I'm warn out, I though as I just sat in the tub. John had already cleaned himself and gotten out, but he helped me clean up, before leaving the bathroom. Now Im just laying in the water with nothing but my thoughts.

      Suddenly what we did finnialy processed in my head causing me to freak out. We just, oh no. Wait does that mean that we are together now? I brought my knees to my chest. What would everyone think? I mean, its not like they have anything against homosexuals at our school, but its just the fact that, well John isn't very, how should I put this, liked at this moment. Fuck, what have I gotten myself into?

      I hear a knock, stopping my train of thoughts. Looking up I see him standing in the doorway looking at me worriedly. "Hey, everything okay?" John asked after getting my attention and started to walk over to the side of the tub. I nodded my head, "I'm fine, just thinking. . ." I answered trailling off at the end. He squated down next to me and randomly started to help me clean. I just looked at him, but he said nothing and continued like it was the most natural thing for him.

     Although, I can't help but think, when is he gonna flip his switch again. It scares me honestly, from what I witnessed so far, he can go from being calm to completely awful. Who knows.

        Again, Im being pulled from my train of thought as he helps me stand up after helping me clean up. Rapping a blanket around me he then lets me sit on the bath room counter. I look beside me to see neatly folded clothes that look like my own. He must have grabbed them for me. When I look back over to him I noticed he's alread dressed with a hoodie and sweatpants. Of course, he's trying to hid all of his scars again.

    Suddenly the memory of the untreated scars on his thighs filed my head, along with the determination to help him. "Hey John?" I asked as I putting my shirt on,he hummed in response, "Are you really going to let those other cuts be un treated?" He looked away from me hefore answering my question, "I'll take care of them, don't worry" getting quiter at the end of his sentence.

    "Yeah, sure," I said back to him sassly, "and when exactly are you going to do that?" I jump off the counter once Im fully dressed to finish putting my pants on, only to regret it instantly. "I don't know, probably tomorrow?" John proclaimed as he was just about to walk out of the bathroom. I grab his hand to stop him, "Nope, they should be treated right now!" I scolded him as he just rolled his eye at me.

Hello Fantastic readers, I just wanna say, y'all are too much!

Why are there so many of you reading this book? I just, whhhyyyy.

I was looking at some of the stuff on this earlier and holy Asahi!
(Opps wrong fandom)

I was looking at some of the stuff on this earlier and holy Asahi!(Opps wrong fandom)

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But seriously though, John and Blykes ship name would have to be Joke, so thats why we're here

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But seriously though, John and Blykes ship name would have to be Joke, so thats why we're here.

But seriously though, John and Blykes ship name would have to be Joke, so thats why we're here

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(A little important)

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(A little important)

Also I just wanna say, I'm probably gonna not update for a month.😅

Im sorry for doing this again, but I'm starting school again and I wanna try and fucus on school.

Once I get in the groove though I promise the updates will be back to normal, I just don't want to over stress myself.

I've also got hit by some writers block in this book, so I kinda wanna take so time just to think about what I want to happen, so this doesnt get as boring as I think it is getting.

Thank you for reading this, and I hope you understand.💗

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