Mindless Idoit

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"And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul."
-John Muir

              "What the Hell happened out here!" Isen shouted as he walked into the kitchen to see a huge mess. Just then I relized the milk didn't just spill on the counter. It was all over the floor and myself.
              "I'm so sorry," I pledded walking away from the scene, trying to prey his view away from the mess. "I was pouring me a cup of milk, then I think your alarm went off, I don't really know but it was something, and I was startled and- and I spilled my milk." Isen pinched the corners of his eyes together, "Whatever, I'm not awake enough to deal with you right now."
           Just then I relized the reddness around his eyes. Has Isen been crying?
        "By the way, class starts in 20 minutes," he informed me, interrupting my thoughts and sending me into panic. I glimpse back at the stove clock, it still says five a.m.
       "But, the clock?" I claim, pointing at it. He did a fake inspection on the stove's clock before pressing the start button. "There," Isen began and the clock went back to 4:59 and then 4:58, "now you know how the stove timer works!"
     I stood there is awe of how stupid I was. How did I not relize the time wasn't changing. Finnialy, by throwing my uniform at me, Isen broke my dumbfound trance and yelled at me, "Quit being a mindless idiot and get ready!"

*lets just let Blyke get changed in peace*

     I walked out of the bathroom with my uniform on. Where is Isen at though, did he leave without me? I walk throughout his dorm looking for him, but still nowhere.
        Without warning the stove goes off as I walk past it, making me scream like a little girl. Glaring at the clock I relize that Isen was right, its now 6:45. Running over to the door I slip on my shoes and then grab my bag. I quickly turn around just to make sure, "Isen, yoy still here bro?"
        I inspect the open living room for a second while I wait for a response. On the coffee table I notice that Isen had forgotten his computer. Like the good friend I am, I go over to grab it. Although when going to shut the top of the device I somehow touched the screen activating it.
        On the screen appears a chat room.


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