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"Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will sit softly on your shoulder."
- Henry David Thoreau

Meanwhile. . .

POV- Isen

    "DIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Screeched an enraged Remi with her own bolts surrounding her.
     Someone help, I'm scared. I thought we were just going to be playing some fun video games. I feel like I'm actualy going to die. I thought while holding onto the controller for dear life.


      *time skip to after the
cuts have been treated*
(Remi's elite gamers rage)

      "And thats the last one," I say as I rap up his legs, "Unless your hiding anymore?" John looks at me annoyed and rolled his eyes, "Now where extactly would I be hiding them that you haven't seen yet?" Oh shit, he got me there. I look up to see him smirking. I guess there is one possible spot, nobody would've noticed. I grab his head by the ears and pull him off the counter that he was sitting in. I ruffled his hair then started looking through it at the roots. No cuts, guess thats too weird of a place.

      "Ok, your all clear now!" I say with a sense of justice. John just huffed, "what was that for?" It was easy to tell by his voice that he was mad. "I just wanted to just your head, you know. I think with your thiccc hair it would be easy for you to cover any scares up there." I defended myself while he just looked at me like I was crazy. "Why would I do that, it would ruin my only good feature; My amazing hair!"

      I just laugh as he looked at me judgmentally. Shaking my head I walk outta the bathroom and start heading to my room. I'm really tired today, I don't know if I would be able keep my eyes open for another minute. "Where you going now?" I heard John ask from the doorway of the bathroom. "Im going to sleep, I'm dead tired," I stated.

      "What about that math homework thats due tommorrow?" John questioned as he started to walk towards the living room. Which was weird,"We don't even have the same math class!?!"  "I know bur I need some help, Sera usally helps me, but recently she hasn't been talking to me."

     To this I debated for a little while while leaning against my door, should I help him with his home work or go to sleep? "Wait a second," I accidently blurted out, no louder than a wispher. I'm stupid, I couldn't possibly help him with his math, Remi always helps me. John looked at me with confusion until I finnialy explained,"Sorry can't, Remi and Isen always help me. Im big dumb!"

   "Im also really tired and wanna go to sleep so nope." I make final before going to open my door. Suddenly theres a hand stopping me, "Please don't let me be alone anymore," John said in an almost pleading voice.

   I look back at him to see tears forming.

Hey fantastic readers! I really hope you all are having a wanderful day!

I would've worked on this a little more but the last two days I've have thos horrible headache/migraine and I'm trying to stay away from my phone because of that.

Also the editor of this story wants a special F in chat for Johns walls.

(You know the walls that got more action at the beginning of the story, most of them also being covered in bloody words😅)

Also here some memes I've found
To make up for the short chapter

Have a wanderful day to you all!
And Ill try to update next week, no promises😅

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