GTFO my room

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"Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn't settle for it."
-Mandy Hale


         Lunch was almost over and Isen was still with John, talking about who knows what. However I have been successful at disgusting Remi, not once, not twice, but three times already!

     I first time was with my soggy taco, she gagged abd offered me one of hers, but I'm not falling for that trap! Then the other two times, oh we don't talk about thoughs. Lets just say I don't think she will ever look at baby carrots the same, or will ever drink milk again.

       We had not even five minutes of lunch left and I finally spotted Isen walking back over to us. "What John needed to talk to you about?" Remi questioned. Isen shook his head, "Nothing important," Remi raised her finger in the air with another question, "You sure, I mean has he not found out about you exposing him to the whole school yet?" Isen just rolled his eyes.

        "He did mention that he's not so happy that I did that, but who cares, I'll do what I wanna," Isen bluntly stated. Suddenly he turned to me, "talking about doing what I want to, you can't stay in my dorm anymore." Okay Im happy he's finally talking to me, but why's that the first thing he says to me?
    "Give me one reason to!" I insisted, a little bit of sass in my voice. Almost as if he expected me to say something along the lines of that he looked over at Remi and then at his phone. "Hey remember that piture I was talking about, wanna see it?" Isen asked a smirk appearing on his face.

      Remi not knowing what was going on answered unknowingly, "Sure" As a reflex I take the phone straight out of Isens hands. "Fine, I'll stay out of your dorm. Can I come there real quickly after classes to get my stuff though?" I assured him before handing him his phone back.

      "Fine, but It might be a while till I'm actually there," He answered while turning off his phone then putting it away, "hey Remi, I need to chat with you after school." She nodded, "Thats fine with me, but what about the photo you were gling to show me?"

     Isen lookee back at her like she was crazy, "What picture?" Remi just gave him the death glare until the bell went off and lunch was officially over.

*Time skip to after school*
(Brought to you by that anxiety you get while presenting infront of your class)

     "Fuck!" I yelled standing outside of Isen's dorm. He knows I don't have a key, he did this on purpose!

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