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"People will will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
-Maya Angelou

POV- Blyke
       Hesitantly I put one of my hands on his head to comfort him. For what? I have no clue. After a few seconds my other arm goes around his waist. What am I doing? My head and my heart are both going a thousand miles per hour.
          The rivers flowing from John's eyes slowly dry up and his head goes still. He looks up at me, speechless. The outline of his eyes were red from crying, but they were now huge. As soon as I noticed what I had done I dropped my hand that was on the back of his head and wipped away my other arm. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" I pleaded as he just stared, "I-I just thought that you needed someone to comfort you. And I, I didn't. . ."
         John wrapped his own arms around me,"You don't need to make excuses." His voice was soft and sincere. His face was bright red again.
       Fever maybe?
       No, its clear this time, he doesn't have a fever. Steadily, like as if he moved wrong we would both explode, he lowered his head on to my shoulder again. He was not crying, or at least didn't seem to be anymore, but he still rested his head on me.
          I stood there and waited for him to losen his grip. When he did I broke free of his arms and walked out of his room, through the living room and into the bathroom. Like a lost puppy he followed. "Where the fu. . ." I huffed as I searched the cabinets above the sink. Only to be interrupted by John, "Wheres what?" He questioned while leaning against the door. "Nothing, Just go sit in the living room!" I shouted, mostly because I was angry cause I couldn't find what I was looking for.
          Too engrossed in searching I didn't look over to see if he left. Just hoped thats what the footsteps I heard meant.
         After a couple minutes of searching I had finnianly managed to find what I was looking for. It was an old med kit that my mother gave me before comeing here. She told me it had everything to take care of cuts, burns, and infections. It was hidden behind all of my roommate's hair gel, that he hasn't touched in a while.
        In satisfaction of what I found, I walked out to the living room. Only to see that Johns not in there, he's back in his room.

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