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"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts."
      -Marcus Aurelius


      "What are you doing on the ground, I thouhght you would have left already?" A voice asked mockingly. I open my eyes to see Isen standing infront of me, swinging his keys on his finger. Standing up from the ground I sigh, "well, I kinda need a key to get in!"

     "Oh, you do?" He sarcastically asked while going to open the door. As he walks in I follow him, only to be pushed back out. "You'r time to get your stuff is over, should have something out." Isen stated harshly before closing the door in my face. Welp, I guess I waisted all that time waiting for him for nothing. I still gotta figure out where I'm going to sleep, cause I know for a fact I aint going back to my old dorm!

      Lets see, I pull out going through my contacts. Arlo, nah I don't even think he would give me the time if day to ask him if I could, but if I have to I can always try. I contuine to scroll through contacts, none would work though, considering they didn't go to school here, or were a whole bunch of girls. I swear other than Isen and maybe Arlo, who knows who he sees as a friend, all my friends at this school are freaking girls. The wrost part is with all the girls hanging around me, none of them ask me out!

      I give up, I might as well ask Remi if I can stay in her dorm. Not even going to call her though, just going to knock on the door! That way, she deffently can't tell me no, because I'm already there!

       I sign to my self while I head out of the boys dorms, "I wish I could be this much of a genius during test!"

*time skip to Remi's dorm*
(Brought to you by a whole campus of girls who already think Blykes gay)

      "What do you mean I can't stay here?" I almost cried to Remi. She ended up giving me that, you stupid, look. "You do relize this is the girl's dorms, guy's arn't aloud to stay here."

      "Oh, yeah." I mumbled in defeat, before remembering that our little group always spends everyother Friday at Remi's dorm, and usually always stay the night. She thinks I'm dumb! "Hey, wait a second, what about our group nights?"

    "You knkw what, I'm going to say this in the least revealing way," Remi proposed slightly agitated, "You can't stay here, I wouldn't try asking Arlo either! Your just going have to, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, suck it up and go back to your dorm." She was almost getting ready to scream at the end.

     Remi herself looked shocked by how made she got, but not as much as myself. Lets just say I was prepared for her to start spitting out lightening. She reached out to me and start apologizing, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to yell. I guess I just, I've been a little stressed out recently. . ." There is absolutely no reason for her to be apologizing, I was being stupid.

      "No no no, its okay! But would you mind doing something for me if I do go back to my dorm?" I interrupt her.

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