Sudden Rage

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"No one's day is what you think it is. Be extra loving if you can."

POV- Blyke
         I remember the quote Remi once taught me. I don't know why exactly, but I've always felt that out of all of the quotes she would recite to me and Isen daily, that this one made the most sense.
          Of all times why would I be thinking about those stupid quotes? I shook myself out of my own thoughts to see the scene in front of me. John has always been treated poorly, and who knows what else he deals with outside of school, too. It could be worse. The only person at our school who treats John as an equal would have to be Seraphina. Granted ever since they became friends she started to not care about anything that had to do with school anymore.
           Being wary of the fact that he could stab me any second if he pleased, I slowly walked towards my glum roommate. Again, I tried to speak to him,"John, what's the matter? Why are you doing this to yourself?"
         John flung himself off the floor so he was standing. Never lifting his eyes back off of the gound. We both just stood there in silence, I had no idea what to do or say at this point. He tugged the sleeves of his sweatshirt down, his eyes warily shifting up to me.
          I swear I saw death in those golden eyes. 
          He must have flipped one of his switches because he went from all depressed and hiding at the side of his bed to head held high with a look confidence. Just how Bipolar are you John?
           I don't let this sudden mood change scare me. Instead, I'll just stand my ground. Easily he pushes me out the door to hos room, I'm too week compared to him! He took a breath before he spoke,
        "Get out of my room!"
          Honestly, I'm shocked! I was trying to help him but all he responds with is, 'get out of my room.' Ok, I've had enough of this, this is the last time I take any shit from him and not make him pay for it.
         I walk up to John's room, not even bothering to knock. I just stomp right in. To my surprise, he's not wearing his sweatshirt anymore. He's completely shirt free, it has been a long time since I've seen John and his abs without a shirt. I mentally slap myself, what am I thinking?
          Although, it's not just his abs by themselves. Much like his arms, the word was carved into his chest;

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