We all have questions

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"There is no failure
except in no longer trying"
- Elbert Hubbard

         Is john really telling me how to apologize? The same person that beat up all the royals and left the hericy in chaos then does nothing about it. He has no where to speak when it comes to apologizing!
       As he brings his face closer to mine once again, I quickly turn my head. Enraged by the fact that I somehow let myself get into this position, again, I try to think of something that might get him off of me.

      I could shout that I have some sort of disease. Nah, he wouldn't fall for that, or would he?
      As I'm looking down the hallway, I see someone walking through the main hallway that I was pulled out off. It was Isen! I never been so thrilled to see him before. Now just how extactly do I get his attention?

     Nah, thats not gonna work, but it just might? I slip my hand away from John and into my pocket. Why do I have so much trash in my pants already? I only just got to school.
       After a couple seconds I had finnianly found the long item I was searching for. I quickly glance over to see if he's still there, almost past the hallway. I gotta be fast.

       I flicked the metal piece away from the rest of the plastic, bending it back and forth till it snapped off. Looking back down the long hallway I see Isen stoped dead in his tracks. I could almost feel his annoyance where I was.

       Suddenly, my name filled the school, "Blyke, I told you not to touch my pens!" If it wasn't for the situation I was in I would be dieing of laughter of the fact that I just summoned Isen by breaking the clip of one of his pens!

     Isen appeared behind both me and John, "What the fuck is going on here?"


Hello Fantastic readers!
I think I just changed the mood of thas Fanfic, I don't know if it's for the better or not, but umm, Yeah. Since I needed a way to get Isens attention and I also forgot everything about everything I had to search up a few things and I now know that there are actual websites for the anatomy of a pen.🤣

Also I really wanna thank all of you for 4k veiws, that makes me so happy that so many of you are reading this!

Also I really wanna thank all of you for 4k veiws, that makes me so happy that so many of you are reading this!

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