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we got that love, the crazy kind
Him & I - Halsey / GEasy

Austin's POV
When I finished my performance with Germany, I immediately checked my phone even though I was still mad at Natalie. I don't even know why I was mad, I was more pissed off that Dalton pulled that shit when I was out of the fuckin country.

She hadn't text or called, which was exactly what I told her to do. I knew she was at work so I didn't bother trying to call, I wasn't apologizing over text. I lit a cigarette and cracked open a bud before checking her Instagram, seeing the last photo posted was of her and Sophia smiling on the swing set, takin by Rachel I assume. I added a comment underneath that said 'my girls'.

I ran my fingers through my sweaty curls and called my girl because I couldn't handle it anymore. I wasn't mad at her, I was mad that Dalton thought he still had control, that he had the nerve, that I wasn't there to slam his face into the asphault.
"Hey it's Natalie, leave a message!" The beep echoed and I hung up with a huge sigh. It was Saturday night and I knew every guy was looking at her, but not the same way I do.

With the time difference, I went to bed at 4am in Germany, 9 back at home. My heart pounded as I thought about what my words could have made her think - that I was angry and didn't love her anymore.
I opened up our messages and typed out something long but deleted it all and wrote something simple to grab her attention and let her know I loved her more than anything.

To: Queen 💋
I'm so sorry for everything I said. You are my world and nothing will change that.

I went to sleep easily - the past couple weeks have been consistently busy and it was taking a toll on my body - but didn't sleep very deeply because in my gut I knew something was wrong.

I woke up about 3 hours later with a phone call from Rachel.
"Hello?" I croaked after clearing my throat.
"Austin." The way she said my name made my stomach churn.
"What happened?"
"Its Natalie..she...there was an accident." I felt the room start to spin - thankfully I was already sitting down.
"Is she okay?"
"She hasn't opened her eyes since she's been in. Please come home." She didn't even need to ask.

I caught the next flight possible back home, even then that took almost an entire day. Rachel met me in the lobby of the ICU and gave me a hug. She looked like she hadn't slept in three days.
"So what happened?" I asked for the 10th time.
"We don't know details..she hasn't been up to say..." Rachel looked at me with her sad puppy eyes and back down at the floor. "We have to be realistic. I'm hopeful, but we need to know the possibility-"
"Let me see her," I interrupted, not wanting to face reality. Rachel sighed and nodded her head before walking down the hallway.

Every room I passed was filled with someone hooked up to machines; I began to panic at the thought of Natalie never coming out of it. My last words to her were nasty, unlike anything I've ever told her. A hard lump formed in my throat as Rachel got to the outside of a large wooden door and turned to me.
"Are you ready?" I nodded quickly and practically opened the door for her. She read my facial expression and opened it up, my footsteps practically on top of hers.

Natalie had a oxygen tubing hooked up to her nose, which is a sign that she could breath on her own without an actual chest tube. My eyes instantly filled up with tears.
"Oh my god Natalie," I almost whispered, stepping to her bedside and grabbing her hand. "What'd I do to you?"
"Austin, you didn't do this." Rachel places her hand on my shoulder but I couldn't look away from Natalie. Tears fell from my nose and hit her soft pale hand.
"She told me Dalton came onto her and I saw red. I told her not to talk to me, don't go to my house...she was probably upset.." I couldn't form words. I sat in the chair and put my head on her hand that looked so small in mine.
"The driver was drunk. He ran a stop sign and hit her side of the car..right on the side Sophia would have been." Rachel had had a long couple of days and I could see that.
"Can she hear me?" Rachel nodded and went to the other side of the bed to kiss her forehead.
"I'm going to grab two coffees, okay?" I nodded and continued to kiss the small hand in mine.

"Natalie..baby..I'm so sorry." Alone in the room, I allowed myself to left all my emotions out. "I never should have yelled at you. You are such a wonderful woman.." As I looked up at this wonderful soul, memories came flashing through my mind like a movie. The first night we met, the Ferris wheel, the night Sophia and I had a food fight and Natalie wasn't even mad. She just joined in and worried about the stains on her brand new couch later. If I hadn't met her, I know I would've gone into the fame and fortune without thinking straight. I'd be like so many other talented artists who were gone too soon. Even now who knows if I'd ever want to settle down and start a family with someone, especially this young...but Natalie.

"You're so perfect. You need to wake up. I don't want anyone else...please...God. I know I never pray but I need you today."

I felt Natalies fingers twitch and just like that she clenched my hand in hers. My head whipped up to see her long eye lashes fluttering until her eyes cracked ever so slightly.
"Baby!" I tried to stay calm although I came to my feet rather quickly.
"Posty." Her voice was so low and quiet I hardly heard it. Her eyes wouldn't open the entire way, but I saw her pale lips crack a small smirk.
"It's me baby. I'm right here." I stood up immediately and placed a few kisses on her face before brushing her hair back. "You scared the fuck out of me."

Just then Rachel came back to the room with coffees but half spilt them when she saw Natalies eyes looking at her.
"Thank god Nat!" She ran to her best friends side and hugged her, earning a groan from Natalie. "Oh! Sorry!"
"What happened?" Natalie asked sleepily, letting her energy still build.
"I guess you were T-Boned on your way to work."
"My Nissan?" Natalie gripped my hands and turned towards me slightly. "I'm sorry Austin."
"For what? Things can be replaced. You, babygirl, are too precious." I kissed her hand and didn't realize I was still crying until Natalie used her other hand to wipe it away.
"Let me go get the nurse!" Rachel ran out of the room as I stared at the angel before my eyes.

"Stop staring at me." Natalies voice was hoarse and I looked around for some water. Like a prayer, the nurse came in with a jug of ice chips.
"Well hello Miss Cooper." Natalie smiled and gave my hand a squeeze before trying to sit herself up. All three of us dove to help her but he shooed is away.

A week went by and Natalie was almost ready for discharge. They had to run a few tests but tomorrow was her day to come home.
"Natalie?" I asked as we sat outside on the bench that overlooked a field of animals. The nurse told us to get fresh air because someone was getting irritated in physical therapy.
"Yes?" She picked at her hospital bracelet and didn't break her trance.
"I have something to ask you." Her long eyelashes fluttered before looking up at me. She raised her eyebrows as if she was saying "go on".

"I've been thinking..I want you and Sophia to move in with me." Her eyes widened and she didn't make a sound. She just stared at me and I felt my stomach turn.
"Please think about it. Sophia will love riding the bus and being in my pool. She can have a bedroom and playroom, or a movie theater or whatever she wanted. All that space for trampolines and dirt bikes-"
"Austin." Natalie has a small smile on her face which worried me, but when she grabbed my face and pulled me close against her for kisses, I knew I made the right choice. "Moving in sounds so wonderful to me..."
She raised her eyebrow at me and said, "No buts. I would love nothing more to wake up on your foam top every morning." She kissed me again. "And that bath tub."

"I can't wait!" I pulled her onto my lap and gave her kisses along her shoulder. Rachel has gone home to get comfortable clothes for her to lounge in since she was going to be here for a few weeks. She was wearing her old Nirvana shirt that started to tear at the crop, but it looked so good on her. She wrapped herself tighter in her sweater and we went inside.

"Will you just lay in bed with me? I only have one more mandatory night here."
"I'm scared I'll hurt you."
"A torn rotator cuff and mild concussion are nothing after giving birth." She scooted to one side and patted the spot on the bed next to her. "Come." I adored that smile and slipped into the bed with her, holding her fragile body against mine, feeing every shallow breath.

In minutes she was asleep, but for hours I laid there crying, holding her against me. I was so close to losing her without her knowing absolutely and exactly how I felt.

She needs to know and I know exactly how to show her.

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