Louisa's POV
Darkness surrounded me. I run and run, but there seems to be no way out. "I will come for you, soon." A distorted demon-like voice says behind me. "There's nowhere to run where I can't find you." It continues. I keep running as fast as I can, hoping to escape. Wind rushes past me as I focus on every sound behind me. I can hear it snarling at me. Screeching loudly. Suddenly, a cold feeling runs down my spine. I'm paralyzed, I can't move. I try to move my arm but fail. The creature comes closer and closer until it stands in front of me. The creature grabs me by my throat and lifts me up. "Soon, you will watch everyone die." The creature says. The creature looks black, with two giant claws and spikes running all over it's back and tail, starting at its neck. My lungs are slowly drained from air as I see it smiling at me, with it's glowing red eyes and a wide mouth with sharp teeth.
My eyes swing open and I immediately sit up straight. I'm covered in sweat. I can hear myself breathing heavily while I try to keep my heart rate normal. "Honey, are you okay??" My mom says, suddenly standing in the slight opening of my door. I jump a little, I didn't notice she was there. "Sweetheart, I heard you screaming, are you alright?" She whispers softly. "I.. I think so." I say back. But it feels like I'm certainly not.
"... Then my dad pulled the bird out of the crow's grasp, it was so awesome!" Viv says on our way to school. We always walk together. "Your dad basically saved a bird that's going to die soon either way. You know that, right?" I say sarcastically. We both look at each other and begin to laugh not a second after. "I actually didn't think of that." She says with a smirk.
"So, how's your mom doing?" Viv asks me, smiling. "She's..." I said before hearing a high pitched ring in my ears and a strong headache overwhelming me. I instantly grab my head and stop walking. "I already found you." The same, demonic voice says. "Are you okay?" Viv worryingly asks while placing her hand on my shoulder. "I'm... I'm okay." I reply with a soft smile on my face.
"It's Friday already! Time goes so fast." Yuri says when we arrived at school. "I can't wait for this weekend. You're coming too, right, Lou?" Harry asks me. There's a party this weekend at Harry's house. "Of course I'm coming, dude!" I reply like it wasn't even a question he asked. Harry chuckles and immediately begins to blush. "So, Yuri, Louisa, Vivian, Meghan and Lily are coming." Harry says to himself. "Good." He mumbles.
"We have the perfect party! Snacks, drinks, disco lights, music, karaoke, games and hot tub!" Harry says, he's super excited for his party. "There's a boys room and a girls room, so we can hold special girls nights and boys hangouts." He adds. "Nice, H. This is going to be awesome!!" I reply to him. It looks like Meghan was going to say something, but the bell cuts her off.
"Cya!" We almost said in sync as we all walk to our separate classes. My first subject is art. I love art. Mom says my drawings and paintings are awesome. The second bell rings, crap, I'm late. I run up the stairs and arrive at the classroom, hoping to catch some air. "You're late." Miss Purdant says, looking very annoyed. "Sorry miss, I got held up." I say to apologize.
John's POV
My eyes slowly open. Bloody hell, I've taken a serious nap there. I step out of bed and head straight to the bridge, I need to talk to Sara. "Hey, John!" Ray says happily, confronting me on my way to the bridge. "Hey, mate. What can I do for ya?" I say and I take a look behind me, with the strange feeling that something's following me. I look back to see Manny. Bollocks, something is wrong."What is this, Manny?" I ask with an annoyed face. "What trouble did ya get into this time, what world is about to end? Tell me mate." I ask him with a touch of sarcasm in my tone. "It's not my trouble, it's yours. That girl, Astra, she's done herself well with those soul tokens. That's all on you." He replies. "And what does that bloody mean, huh?" I ask Manny curiously but still annoyed. "Astra has released some of the worlds worst criminals on earth." He says. "I see your daughter is slowly awakening her powers." He continues.

The New Legend
FanfictionLouisa is an average 15 year old girl with good grades, good friends, a good mom and a good life. Her friends, Vivian, Lily, Meghan, Yuri and herself were invited to a party of Harry, her other friend, when something goes terribly wrong. Author's n...