Louisa's POV
"It's okay, everyone has their secrets. But we could've all been there to protect her when she was younger." Nate says. "That's the thing, mate. Ya can't. The timeline of a warlock doesn't change, so her past has already happened, you can't go back there. And the future never happened, so you can't go there either." John explains. "So basically, we can only go to the timeline she is in at that moment," Nate asks."Well, not anymore. She's on the Waverider now, time can't affect her anymore." John adds. This is all too much for me. I need to process this. "Can I... Can I just have a moment alone, please?" I ask cautiously, hoping not to assault anyone with my question. "Sure, I'll lead you to your room," Ray says and gestures for him to follow me. I walk behind him through the corridors. "Here it is," Ray says as we stand in front of a door.
"Thank you, Ray," I say while I open the door with the button on next to it. "You can come to the bridge if you need anything." He says. "Okay," I say and walk to a bed as the door closes. My way to the bed suddenly gets interrupted by that same headache and high pitched ringing. I grab my head. It's worse this time. The pain is almost unbearable. It wasn't that one monster that said it tonight. It was their boss. "You can't hide. I'll always find you." The voice says. The pain is becoming so heavy that my vision goes black. I hear a thud, and I think that was me. I passed out.
Ray's POV
I was on my way to the bridge when I hear a loud thud in the room of Louisa. That can't be good. I sprint back to her room and open the door. I see her, lying on the floor, muttering words and looking like she's scared. I don't know what happened. "Guys!!" I yell loudly. "Guys I need your help!!" I continue. Nate and John come running through the corridors. Right when they see Louisa, John begins to chant in Latin.When John finished chanting, nothing happens. "Why in the bloody hell doesn't it work?!" John says loudly. "I need to get in her head to see what's going on." He says. sanctorum spirituum inferni, me auxilium eius adepto huius animae ad corpus quod in alio regno sit, quod omni superenatat circuitu. John chants. His eyes turn white. I think he entered her mind.
John's POV
"You will join us soon." The demon says. "No, no I will never be in your filthy hands." I hear Louisa say from far away. I see nothing but fog. White fog. I look around, trying to find Louisa and get her out. "Those legends can't protect you." The demon says. "They can and they will. My father will." She replies angrily. "Now get me outta here!" She yells. "I'm afraid I can't do that, it will take a little longer for my workers to take over your body." The voice says.Her body? I have to get her the hell outta there. "LOUISA?!" I scream loudly, hoping she could hear me. "John?!" She yells back. "Keep yelling, love!" I yell back, coming closer to the sound. "John, where are you?!" She yells. I can hear the sound coming from the front. I start running as fast as I can. "I can't let you help her escape." The voice says. I can't move, I'm paralyzed.
"You can't have my bloody daughter!" I scream as I hear footsteps coming closer. "See, you and your little crew can't defeat me. I will be coming for her." The voice replies. I can feel a light surround me. I open my eyes to see Ray staring at me, in shock. I'm on the ground. I quickly get up with all the power I have left and try to wake Louisa up. "C'mon darling, wake up for me will ya?" I ask her softly, tears developing in my eyes.
"John....?" A sweet, warm, soft voice says. She's awake! "I will not let that bloody demon take you!" I say to her, trying to comfort her. Louisa looks at me and smiles. "Weasel!" I hear Mick yelling from the bridge. "C'mon, let's get you to the rest," I say to Louisa. "Can I... Can I stay here? I want to think." She replies. "Sure, love," I say to her. Ray looks at me, nods and walks out of the room. I pick Louisa up and put her on her bed. I give her a little smile and walk out of the room.
"What in the bloody hell is it, Mick!" I say loudly and sound annoyed. "You look terrible," Sara says as she slowly walks towards me. "I'm okay, love," I say, walking to the Parlour. "Weasel! You never told us that a demon is hunting that girl!" Mick yells. "That girl has a name!" I yell back. "Calm down, you two. We will figure out how to stop it." I hear Sara say behind me.
Louisa's POV
What am I supposed to do? I thought to myself. I had to leave my family, my friends, my life behind. I want to go back, to my mom, Harry, Viv, Lily, Meghan, Yuri. I want that life back. But maybe I can't. Maybe those people are right. Maybe I need to be protected after what happened. Maybe I can become a legend."Can I come in?" A voice asks from behind the door. It's Nate. "Sure," I say. Nate opens the door and walks in. He plops down on the bed, next to me. "It's okay, I'm sorry that you have to leave everything you knew behind." He says, placing a hand on my shoulder. I think he knows how it feels. "What weapons or power does each of you have that makes you special?" I ask, looking up.
"I have the ability to turn to steel, Mick has some kind of heat gun, Sara was trained by assassins, Ray has a powerful suit, Nora is a fairy godmother, Gary... Is just Gary, Mona can transform into a werewolf, Ava is the head of the Time Bureau, Charlie is a shapeshifter, Behrad has a totem and your dad... He's a powerful warlock. And personally, I think you are too." Nate says. "Wait, I'm a warlock?" I ask him. He nods slowly.
John's POV
I take another big gulp of my beer, my second beer. I watch as the others talk about finding some way to catch that bloody demon. All I can think about is what Manny said about Astra bringing hellish people here on earth. "Teach me." A voice says in front of me. I look up. It's Louisa. "What?" I ask. I'm confused. "Teach me magic." She says again."Sorry dear, once you get into magic, your life is on the line," I say. "My life is already on the line." She says back, one-upping me. Bollocks. "Fine. But it's not that hard, love." I say calmly. I know that she has a pure soul, dark magic will ruin her soul. I have to teach her light magic. "Follow me," I say as I put my beer down. Louisa follows me as I walk to the library.
"You just gotta focus on the magic inside of ya," I say. She looks at me with confusion. "Focus on the thing you want to do and the magic will do its thing," I add. Only pure souls can do that. "Try to make that thing float," I say as I point to the map of Heyworld laying on the table. "Okay." She says calmly. Louise closes her eyes and lifts her hand up. That bloody thing actually starts to float. She bloody well did it.
Louisa opens her eyes to see, in her amazement, that the map is floating on her command. "Wow, I did it?" She asks me, still not believing what she's seeing. I nod. "Take that you demons!!!" She yells. I let out a little chuckle. She really is my daughter. I was overwhelmed with joy when suddenly, I feel dizzy. I feel a cold liquid dripping from my nose. My hand goes up to my nose and picks up a few drops. It's blood.
"John, JOHN! Are you okay?!?! JOHN CAN YOU HEAR ME?!?!" I hear Louisa screaming from what feels like a long distance. I'm trying to stay upright, but my body is getting heavy. Bollocks, it's that bloody demon again. I grab on to a table to hold my strength, but my lower half is already on the ground. I hear footsteps coming around the corner into the library. "I'm... I'm... I'm f...i..ne..." I slowly say. Those were the last words coming out of my mouth before everything goes black.
I'm not really good at making spells that Constantine says because I succ at Latin nad well, google translate succs at it too lol. I just translated some words and if you translate it back, it gets a little weird. But I don't mind, it's all about the intention, right?
See ya, -UnknownWriter

The New Legend
FanfictionLouisa is an average 15 year old girl with good grades, good friends, a good mom and a good life. Her friends, Vivian, Lily, Meghan, Yuri and herself were invited to a party of Harry, her other friend, when something goes terribly wrong. Author's n...