Chapter twenty

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Louisa's POV
"Guys, John is gone." A voice says from the other side of the corridor. I look up to see Sara standing in the door frame with a face full of shock and hatred. No, not my father too! The realisation that I'll probably never be normal again hits me every time something bad happens. Wait... "Harry was all a distraction..." I slowly think out loud. "Did you see who did it?" I ask her. "No, but he has a familiar car. Probably the last of its kind." Sara answers.

"Gideon, check the security footage and try to track the car," I demand her as I stand up in a swift motion. "Yes, right away miss Constantine." Gideon answers. "I'm going to catch that son of a devil," I mumble softly while storming out of my room, towards the exit of this hellish time ship. "I found the location, it's next to the building where your friend was last seen," Gideon says. That's my house. Well, that was my house. Let's see if my powers are improving.

I look at my hands, concentrate on making a portal and push my hands forwards. I close my eyes from the bright light that's coming off my hands. I'm really doing it, I'm creating a portal! Dad, here I come! I start to feel dizzy and my legs are getting weak. I finish the portal, but that took a lot of energy. I have to save my dad, the portal will close soon. I have to walk in now or I'll never get the chance to do this again. I look behind me and see Sara and Ray looking at me strangely.

After a few moments, they notice that it's a portal. Their face turns from confusion to shock and both start speeding towards me. I can't let them get hurt. The guy who took my dad can be very dangerous. I can do this alone. I put one foot inside of the portal, but I trip immediately after because my legs feel like noodles at this moment. I take it back. I'm not ready, I'm too weak right now. It's too late, the portal closes behind me and I fall flat on my face in the grass.

I get up slowly and shakily. My eyes glance at the house with a weird car that I've never seen before. It's not one of the neighbours and it's not a visitor, so it must be the guy with my dad inside. I'm coming for you, dad. I start walking towards the house at a fast pace. As I reach the front door, I look for the hidden spare key in the bushes and find it within seconds. I open the front door quietly. The house looks empty and it's really dark. Turning on a light will give away the surprise.

I walk through the hallway while looking at both sides of the walls, sometimes passing by a room with an open door. They must be in the living room or in the garden. Garden is unlikely, so living room it is. The living room is the last opening to the left. I hear footsteps in the living room. That's not good. I don't have a plan. I'm too weak to attack right now, so I'll have to create a distraction.

The car. Every car has a honk or alarm, right? I slowly creep to the garage and push the button to open it, not thinking about the fact that it's loud. I hear footsteps growing closer. Crap, why did I do that? I swiftly run towards the door and stand still behind it. Any further plans? Lock the door to the garage, then the front door and then the backslider. Finally, I came up with a good plan. Footsteps grow closer and the door opens a little further. I see the man from behind as I watch him walk towards the button with a bat in his hands.

This is my chance. I run into the hall and lock the door behind me. I can hear the door rumble loudly and a man grunting in angriness. Time to lock the front door. I run towards the front door and lock it too. I don't even want to wait until he's at the front door, so I immediately run towards the backslider and lock them too. They're just glass, but I push a button next to the sliders and a metal plate comes down slowly. Slowly, but fast enough to lock the guy out. A sigh of relief escapes my mouth and I walk towards the living room.

A faint mumble is coming from the living room as I approach it. I carefully look around and see my dad bound to a  chair. I rush up to him and start to loosen the bands in his wrists. They are made of copper. Weird. It was a thick copper material that was wrapped around the chair and his whole body. Especially his wrists. His wrists look red and hurting. "Dad, I'm here, I'll get you home," I say under my breath as I pull the cloth off his mouth. He stands up from the chair and a shock appears in his face. "No!" My father yells and pushes me out of the way.

I turn around to see the man stabbing my dad with a needle. After a few seconds, I see my dad drop to the ground, unconscious. "What did you do to him?!! I swear, if you killed him, you're going to die too!! I'll make sure of that!" I yell angrily. "He's not dead, but he will be if you don't surrender." The man says. What does this man want? Why does he want me? Am I that powerful? I concentrate on fire and blast him to the wall. The man stands up without a scratch or bruise. That's not normal. I fall to the ground as I get even dizzier. All my energy is gone. That's not good at all. I'm going to die.

I don't have the time to stand up again, the man is walking towards me. I crawl backwards as fast as I can until I hit a wall. I knew that was going to happen. The man bends his knees and sits down in front of me. "See, I've been practising my magic." He says. I look at him with anger. He smiles a wicked grin and I decide to spit in his face to show him that he's not scary. "You're just like your father, stubborn and always in trouble." He chuckles. "Just leave us alone!" I yell at him.

"Want to see what my magic can do?" He asks me. I shake my head, but of course, he's not going to let me walk away, I know that. He lifts up his hand and a small purple ball appears in his palm. He throws it up in the air a few times as he catches it and throws it again. Suddenly, I see that ball flying straight towards me. As the ball hits my face, my eyes close and my mind blanks out. I knew that I was safe because while throwing the fireball, I activated magical tracing on my body. Louisa Constantine 1, creepy guy 0.


Henlo, this was another chapter done yeyeyy. Constantine stans y'all know exactly who papa midnite is lol. I just wanted to see that guy as a bigger villain uwu. Please comment if you see something that has to be improved or if you want something to happen in this story. Gotta be fast though, because this story is almost completed! :) I'm happy and sad at the same time :')

See ya, -UnknownWriter

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