Louisa's POV
"Hey guys, is there anything to do when you're bored?" I ask. I'm bored. "I usually read," Nate says. Of course he does, why not. "I work on my suit..." Ray says. Not for me. "I go to the Time Bureau with Nora," Ava says. I don't work there. "And where is Behrad actually?" I ask. "Who?" I hear Nate ask. "You know, dark brown-haired guy, beard, you and him are bro's," I say confused."Yeah, about that... Can I speak to you?" Nate says with his hand reaching to the back of his neck and grabbing it firmly. I nod and he gestures to follow me. I think I'm in trouble. "Okay," Nate says when we arrived in my room. It's also Nate's room. "Well..." I say slowly.
"You see when we saved the world from Neron, Zari, Behrad's sister, was outside of the waverider. By creating Heyworld, some kind of non-meta-human act never exists and Zari never became part of the team. She was a part of the team before, she instead of Behrad." Nate says, he looks sad and his eyes are starting to tear up a bit.
"Nate, we have to get Zari back. If this isn't the way it's supposed to be, then we have the authority to do that." I say. "But how?" He asks. "I don't know yet, but we'll figure it out," I say. "Although there is a way already, you're not going to like it," I say slowly. "What is it then?" He asks me desperately and curiously. "We can go back in time and kill Behrad so Zari still joins the team," I say.
"No way, remember when I told you that Charlie tried that once, didn't go well," Nate says. Right, he has a point. "What are you guys doing here?" Sara asks as she bursts in through the door. I jump a bit. "Jeeze, Sara, you scared me," I say, holding one hand to my chest. "We were just dealing with some stuff that L was scared about. You know, mentally training her for some pretty scary nightmares." Nate says.
"Well, that makes me think. Training her mind isn't such a bad thing. What if we also started training her to fight? You know, just in case." Sara says. I nod. "That's not a bad idea," I say. "Fortunately for you, you've got a trained assassin on board," Sara says as she points at herself in a proud way. "So, when do we start?" I ask. "We could start right n-" Sara was saying before she got interrupted by Gideon.
"There's another time aberration caused by someone named John Wayne Gacy," Gideon says. "Crap." I hear Nate say while he stands up. He looks worried. "That's the killer clown from 1994." He continues. "Get to the bridge," Sara says as she walks out of the room. I nod to Nate and we both walk to the bridge to see John standing there, looking at us with confusion.
John's POV
"John, are you all right?" Louisa asks while walking into the bridge. "Yeah, why are you here, love?" I ask her back. "Didn't you hear Gideon?" She asks me. "No, why, what's going on?" I ask her back again. "A killer clown came back to life," Nate says while looking at me and narrowing his eyes. I guess he's still a bit pissed about this whole spirit thing."Gideon, plot a course," Sara says as she walks into the room with Ray, Nora and Ava. We all get to our seats and Sara pulls the handle. We fly off towards a breach slowly opening in the temporal zone. We fly through the breach and land on an open field of grass.
Sara's POV
"Okay, John, Nora, Ray and Nate, you're all going on this mission," I say after I got out of my chair. "I'm still not used to this time travelling." Louisa mumbles. "What about Louisa?" Ray asks me. "I am going to train her. Teach her to fight." I say with a smile. Louisa smiles back. "Okay, lads, let's hunt some spirits," John says as he walks confidently towards the cargo bay.Ray, Nate and Nora follow John as he walks out. "So, where do we start?" Louisa asks me. "We are going to take the jump ship and go back to start city, 2020. We go to the bunker and let you train there." I say. "Follow me," I add while I walk towards the jump ship. "So, where did you learn to fight?" She asks me. "League of assassins," I say with a smirk. Louisa looks at me with amazement. "Wow." She says.
Nate's POV
"So, where do we find this clown?" Ray asks. "His disguise name is 'Pogo', we could ask some locals if there's a party with a clown named Pogo," I say. John nods and Ray looks at John. "Last time you asked, it didn't go well. Remember?" Ray says. "Fine." John sighs. Ray walks up to a door and knocks."Hello?" We hear a woman say from afar after the door opened. "Hey, hi. I was invited to a party at my cousin's house, it's his kid's birthday. Although, I seemed to be lost. Do you know where the party is? You know, the one with the clown?" Ray asks the woman. "Wow, Ray. Smooth." I mumble.
"Yeah, it's two streets further. Around the corner, the third house to the left." The woman says while pointing directions. "He bloody sold his act," John says and chuckles. Ray walks back to us with a smile, pulling his shirt. "Well done, dude!" I say and pat on his back. We walk around the corner, to the house that is the third house from the left. "Here we are," Ray says.
Louisa's POV
We're here. "Okay, first thing first. Don't touch anything that you don't have to touch." Sara says with her hands in her hips. She's dressed like the white canary. I nod. She's quite intimidating. "Let's see your punch," Sara says and nods to a black punching bag in the corner. "Okay.." I say while walking toward it. I pull my fist backwards, use my whole body and land a big punch in the bag. It starts to leak.My eyes grow wide. "Oops..." I say and turn around. Sara now sees what I did. She doesn't say anything and I don't know if that's a good thing or not. "You... You broke a strong, new punching bag." She says. "I'm sorry I'll buy a new one!" I say immediately after. Sara grabs her phone from her pocket and dials a number. "Hey, Dinah. It's me, Sara." She says and listens to the person on the other side of the phone. "Uhm, yeah... You should come." Sara says and hangs up.
Sorry this ends so weirdly I'm out of inspiration and I had to post but I saw 'crisis on infinite earths' and I was dying. I knew Oliver was going to die but I didn't know it took a WHOLE EPISODE FULL OF CRYING to remember him peacefully. I'm still crying xddd. It's weird that Stephen Amell is leaving the arrowverse. I also saw some trailers of LOT season 5 and I saw Brandon (Ray) and Courtney (Nora) both on the trailer and on the poster so I don't really know if they leave. I'm not sure but I hope they don't. Brandon Routh has always been my favourite XD. Who am I kidding, I love every character on the shows XD. For now, this is what you get :p.
See ya, -UnknownWriter

The New Legend
Fiksi PenggemarLouisa is an average 15 year old girl with good grades, good friends, a good mom and a good life. Her friends, Vivian, Lily, Meghan, Yuri and herself were invited to a party of Harry, her other friend, when something goes terribly wrong. Author's n...