Louisa's POV
"John, Ray, Nate. You're going." Sara says. "Wait, what about Louisa?" Ray asks. "I mean, she has to practice protecting herself," Ray says while gesturing that he's clearly right. Nate nods in agreement. "John?" Sara asks as she looks at him. "Fine. But Louisa, don't get yourself in trouble, dear." John says. I knew Ray could convince them.Manson's POV
"They're coming, sir," Mr Miso says. "Is Louisa Constantine with them?" I ask him. "Yes, but John Constantine is coming too." He answers. "He won't be a problem..." I say, a smirk appearing on my face. I look out the window of the big mansion next to the graveyard. "It's good to be back!" I yell as I turn around to see my cult members standing at the bottom of the giant staircase.Nate's POV
"How do we know where he is now?" Louisa asks curiously while scanning her surroundings at the graveyard. "According to what I've read, Mason's hideout was that Mansion over there, at the end of the graveyard," I say while pointing at a massive house. "Are we seriously going into a haunted house right now?" She asks. She looks a little scared."You know why haunted houses are so scary? I say while I hold her two hands and stand in front of her. Louisa shakes her head. "It's because you don't know what's coming. But trust me, no one can hurt you as long as John is here." I say with a smile to comfort her. "Thanks, I really needed that," Louisa says with a smile and lets out a deep sigh. "Let's go then, folks," John says. I notice a smile on his face too.
We walk through the graveyard. I hear owls in the distance and branches snapping every now and then. I have to admit, this place is kinda creepy. I place my hands on the gate. It's giant and black, with a crow on top of it. The crow flies away as I slowly open the gate with a creaky noise. We all walk at a fast pace towards the mansion. It's even bigger now that it's closer.
Ray pulls the doorknob, but the door doesn't open. "John," I whisper, thinking that maybe those people could hear me from in there. I see light coming from the inside, but from the outside, it looks to have been abandoned for quite some time. John slices his finger open a bit and holds the doorknob. Sum amico huic domui. John mutters to himself. The door unlocks.
Manson's POV
I was sitting in my chair in the private room when I suddenly hear the door unlock. They're here. I walk into the hallway and down the giant staircase, to the door. "Well hello," I say, welcoming the guests. "You're going back to hell you bastard," John says angrily. "No," I say. "I'm not going without..." I continue. "You..." I add, pointing at the girl in the back.John's POV
"Nah, mate. I put a protection spell on her. You're not taking her, ever." I say confidently. No one will take her, even if it's the last thing I do on this body earth. "Okay then, try not to lose her." He says. Behind us, five men suddenly stood there, knocking Nate and Ray out. Bollocks. Run towards Louisa and curl around her. "You're not getting her I bloody said!!" I scream.I feel a cold, heavy object hitting me from the side. I slide halfway across the room, bumping into the wall. "No!" I yell as loud as I can. The men grab Louisa and face her towards me. I'm too weak to stand up so I can only watch as that bastard walks towards her. "Undo the spell, John." He says. "And why in the bloody hell would I do that?" I say, trying to push myself up.
Louisa's POV
"If you won't undo it, I'm going to make her watch you die," Manson says to John as one of his men walks towards him. Ego confido in praesidio. I hear John mutter. The man gets thrown straight to the floor. John quickly stands up and walks towards me. "We'll find a way to get her, Constantine! You will not win against Astra." Manson says angrily. The two men release me and I quickly run to stand behind John.
"Get the rest to safety, dear," John says rapidly before taking steps forward. I run towards Nate and Ray, who are waking up again. Slowly. "Come on, we have to go," I say to both of them while pulling them up. "What about you two?" Ray asks worryingly. "We'll be fine, tell the rest to wait one hour. If we're not back in time, fly away." I say quickly. "But-" Nate tries to say before I cut him off. "Go!" I say, louder than expected.
I turn back to John as Nate and Ray run away through the cemetery. "Your murdering days are over," John says to Charles Manson. "My days may be over Johnny, but he will be here soon. You better get out of here." Manson says. What does that mean? Per júdicem vivórum et mortuórum! Sed enim mundi Creator! Qui habet potestatem mittere in infernum! Ut abire ex regno protinus! John mutters. A pentagram appears behind Manson.
Manson tries to run away, but I quickly move my hand to hold him still. John moves his hands in giant motions and the pentagram turns left, right, left and grows bigger. The pentagram turns into a portal. Out of nowhere, the high pitched ringing and headache come back. I press one hand to my ear while trying to hold on to Manson.
"Hurry up!" I say quickly before falling on my knees. "He's already here, it's too late now," Manson says with an evil grin. John makes a rapid hand movement and the portal flies towards Manson as he gets sucked in and disappears. Once he disappears, the headache becomes stronger. "I'm here." A voice says. "No... Go away." I whisper softly as I feel cold liquids rolling over my cheeks.
"Lou! Lou are you okay, darling?!" I hear John vaguely yell as I hear footsteps coming closer. The headache disappears and the high pitched ringing follows. "Hey, hey it's okay, I'm here," John says to calm me down. "He's... He's coming, run." I say quickly. John grabs my hand and pulls me up. We both run out the door, but in the graveyard suddenly John is gone. I don't know where he went.
"John?!" I call out. "John where are you??!" I yell again. No response. I run back to the wave rider, knowing that whatever or whoever that is, it has John. "Where is John?" Sara asks the second I run in and close the door. "It has him... I... I tried... I tried to stop it." I stutter under my breath. "What, what has him?" Sara asks me with wide eyes. "The demon." I say.
Again, sorry that my writing makes this story develop so fast, I just want to go further and further and I don't know how to make things longer. I'm not that great at details and I'm a 15-year-old from the Netherlands who doesn't even properly know how to speak advanced English. So yeah, just feel free to give me any writing tricks or tips if you are able to or want to. I'm currently working on the next chapter by the way, it will upload soon!
See ya, -UnknownWriter

The New Legend
FanfictionLouisa is an average 15 year old girl with good grades, good friends, a good mom and a good life. Her friends, Vivian, Lily, Meghan, Yuri and herself were invited to a party of Harry, her other friend, when something goes terribly wrong. Author's n...