Chapter Two The Invitation

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Larry Nicolas Bourgeois      30 years old

Guadaloupean mother, Barbadian father

Half of the insanely talented Hip Hop Royalty duo, "Les Twins"    Twin, Laurent

Based in New York and L.A.

The technician of the two when dancing, insane footwork, reverses, slo-mo and stutters

The "baby" brother, by 2 minutes

6' 4" tall, caramel coloured skin, lean, wirey, muscular, toned

Slightly rounder, baby face than his brother, but chiselled features none the less.   Tattooed sleeve on opposite arm to Laurent's, wears leather and beaded bracelets, large watch, a multitude of silver rings, but always a delicate cross.

Childish, childlike, funny, sweet, LOVES kids    Has one daughter, Lilo, now 8 years old.

More creative with media, directs and produces a lot of the Twins videos for social media.

Has real trouble expressing his feelings, except when he's dancing, even to his brother.

Has a reputation of banging anything that moves.

The Twins are eating breakfast at Eggslut in Venice beach, on a ubiquitous bright and sunny morning in L.A.  They are sat outside, having been recognised by the hostess, and ushered past the hour-long-wait line outside.   Having ordered already, both having eggs and cheese, steak and hash browns, fruit and coffee, they settle to look at their phones, and catch up with anything that may have occurred overnight.

" I'm gonna like living here in L.A. ", Larry says absentmindedly, staring at his screen.

" Why's that?" says Laurent, grinning, knowing exactly what he's going to answer.

" Line jumpin' ! Cute hostesses letting us get our table without having to line up !" He is so excited that this is the reality of his life now, with any excuse to get to his food faster.

-- Simple things please simple minds -- thinks Lau to himself, outwardly grinning at how the small things in life make his brother so happy.

Laurent " There's a message here from the agency, says it's urgent. Better call them" He immediately places the call, and talks to one of their management team.

"What is occurring !" He's become so americanised since being in the States on a regular basis, he hardly recognises himself anymore. Larry frowns at his brother's greeting to whoever was on the other end of the line, too, realising he was not happy with the way their identity was slowly slipping away from them. Their brand, on the other hand, was exactly where they wanted it to be, what they wanted it to look like, how they wanted to be portrayed.

Agency " Hi ...... which one are you? Sorry, I can't tell the difference in your voices yet !"

"S'OK, its Laurent"

A "Hi Laurent, how ya doin' ?"

L "Good. What did you need, we got a message to call you urgently" He hated small talk, so got straight to the point.

A " Oh, Ok, um, the boss would like you guys to come into the office, today if you can, we have some really good news for you"

"Can't you tell us over the phone ?"

"No, the boss wants to tell you this himself"

"OK, we can be there in a couple of hours, is that OK ?"

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