Chapter Eight Sunday

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The guys go back to L.A., to resume their schedule and their busy life.   Maggie and Soraya go back to theirs, Maggie giving Soraya more responsibility in the company, so she can concentrate on her charity work more, and have a little time for herself, which lately has seemed non existant.   She and Laurent have kept in touch, with sweet little texts from him, daily goings on from her.    She wants to let him know so much more about what she feels for him, but she isn't even sure herself.   Keeping things at arm's length, she tells herself, that self preservation mode kicks in.

 Laurent skypes her one day, saying they have a few clear days off soon, would she like them to come over and do the workshop at Inner City Dance ?   Yes, of course, they would love it, she'll set it up.   She also insists that the guys stay at the apartment while they're in London, no point shelling out for a hotel.   Good, it's settled.

Maggie meets them at the airport, they greet her with a hug and a kiss,  Laurent's kiss a little more personal and intimate this time .   Laurent realises he's missed her like crazy, her touch, her scent, her smile   They arrive back at the apartment, Larry gazing at the view..   "I still can't get over this view, it's amazing" he gushes, the city and the river looking bright and glinting in the light of this unusually sunny day.

She shows them to their rooms, and as it's still early, asks if they want to do anything they didn't get around to last time they were here.  They want to go shopping. SHOPPING ! She's never known men who shop more, for clothes, for shoes, for presents, than these two. But they are fashion plates, after all, and they had their style, "Twins Style" to cultivate and uphold.   And they were hysterical to go shopping with.   When they were in a store, especially the smaller, more personalised ones, they would argue like an old married couple.   They did that a lot, so comfortable were the in their relationship, but it was amplified times ten when they went shopping together.

"That looks like crap, Larry"

"What's crap about it Lau ? Just 'cos you have no taste, you look like a bum"

"At least I know I look like a bum, you just don't realise you do"

It was worth the distance they walked, and the bags she would have to carry, just to see the faces of the people staring at them and filming these altercations between them. It made her day.   She had to go home to take a quick conference call, so left them to finish their shopping, and make their way back to the flat.   Laurent was glad she had to go, as he wanted to buy her a present, maybe some jewelry.

They had a quiet evening in, playing games, while Maggie and Larry cooked dinner.  As much as Larry liked to eat, he loved to cook as well, and he was good at it.   Followed by an early night, not only did the Twins have the workshop tomorrow, they were slightly jet lagged too.

The workshop the next day was amazing, as they nearly always are. The hall was filled to capacity, but was not so full the guys couldn't move around, and for everyone to have enough space.   They messed with the kids, played with the babies, flirted with the women, and gave one of the most inspirational talks she'd ever heard them give.

They got back to the flat, and she could see that they were tired.   Not just from the workshop, but from the jet lag they were still fighting.   Whenever she flew to L.A., the jet lag from the return journey coming back to London was always much worse.   She felt for them.

Larry " Why we always so fucking tired, bro ?"

"Dunno, we just are. We're so busy, Lar, we don't have enough down time to just relax, do something for us, sleep."   Laurent must have seen the sadness on Maggie's face as they said this, and realised something.

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