Chapter Twenty Nine Laurent and Lilo

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Laurent and Maggie's lovemaking that night was passionate and tender at once, and even though she had arrived at Laurent's at around eight, they didn't settle to sleep until around two am.  It had been one helluva "Welcome Back" she thought.  Even though it was around ten am when they woke, there was no hurry, Laurent had the day off, so they could be lazy and take their time getting reaquainted, as if last night they hadn't done enough "reaquainting".

Laurent had made coffee, and brought it back to bed for them both.

Maggie "Thank you"

Laurent"You're welcome", bending down, kissing her softly on her mouth.

"What do you have to do today ? Can we go shopping at one point ? What are we doing for the rest of the week ?"

"Hold on ! All the questions, one at a time please !", he was chuckling at her enthusiasm to do something. There were both sitting up against the headboard, Maggie leaning on Laurent's chest.

Maggie "OK, sorry. What do you have to do today?"

"Nothing, today, nothing.  What about we go shopping, and have dinner with Larry and Issy this evening?"

"Sounds like a plan. What's our itinerary for the week ?"

"Well, my itinerary is that we have a benefit performance at the Getty Museum, two workshops, and the L.A. Fashion Institutes Gala later in the week.  Apparently, Larry and I are two of the best dressed men in fashion!"  Maggie turned to look at him with a look on her face like she'd just smelled something rotten, her face all scrunched up. "Yeah, I know, you told me ", she said, laughing, although he did look amazing when he was suited and booted.

They finished their coffee, Maggie thinking she needed another shower

"I need a shower, I have over me !"

"I'd rather have you all over me ..." Laurent was trying to sound seductive, trying for another session of lovemaking.

"No, no time !" She ran to the bathroom, locking the door. If they made love any more often, neither of them would be able to walk.  Not a good look.

They both showered separately, Laurent taking infinitely longer than Maggie to get ready. She didn't mind, she would wait for him.  For more than just this morning.

They shopped till the proverbial dropping occurred. They had to leave bags in shops, and have a car pick them up later, they bought that much. They had given each other a run for their money, but Laurent had won out in the end.

Maggie "I've never known a man shop, and LIKE shopping, as much as you do ". She was in awe of his retail prowess. He could be a diva when shopping, and his feminine side definitely stepped up at those times. But she didn't mind, and she didn't care. As far as she was concerned, he was all man, and she loved that he was so secure in his masculinity, secure in all aspects of his sexuality.

They went back to the apartment.  Maggie took a nap, part jet lag, part getting older.  This getting old stuff aint for pussys, she thought.  Laurent made some phone calls, and mixed some music for the Twins upcoming performance in a couple of days.  Maggie drifted out of her slumber gently, quickly realising where she was, and smiling broadly. She could hear Laurent talking to someone quietly on the phone, presumably so as not to wake her.

Laurent " Yes, I'll see you soon, honey. I can't wait. I love you, too"

She'd never heard him call anyone honey before.

He turned to see Maggie standing in the doorway, and without her asking anything , he willingly gave up information about the call.

"That was Lilo. She misses me" he said, looking down at his phone, smiling.  Lilo was Larry's daughter, and she and her Uncle Laurent were almost as close as she and her father were.

Laurent "C'mon, we'd better get ready to go meet Larry and Issy"

"How do you get on with Issy now, Lau, you didn't like her at one point, did you? How could you not like her, she's lovely !"

"She's growing on me. She's good for Larry, and there's not a mean bone in her body" He sounded like he liked her now, and that could only be a good thing for him and his twins relationship.  They called a cab when they were ready, again, Laurent taking MUCH longer to get ready than Maggie, and it made her smile.

They met for dinner at a local favourite restaurant, and were ushered past the waiting line, having been recognised by the doorman.

Larry "See, I said I could get used to this"  This time, the seating arrangements were a little different, with Maggie wanting to sit next to Issy, while the boys sat opposite their better halves. Maggie got the lowdown on Issys company, noting that A.J. would love to sit down and talk to her about everything tech-y, picking each others brains, no doubt. The boys just kept smiling at each other, loving the fact that the girls liked each other so much, and got on so well.

They had a fabulous meal, talked, laughed a lot, had fun. -- It's been a long time, my brother, since you and I were this happy, this content -- thought Laurent as he made a passing glance at an obviously besotted Larry.   He reveled in the moment, vowing to commit it to memory, never to be forgotten.   Maggie needed to make one last stop to the ladies room before they left, and met Larry in the hallway on her way back.  He had left the table, politely, to take a call.

Maggie "It's lovely to see how Lilo loves her uncle Lau so much, Larry". He looked confused

"Lilo, Lau and she were talking on the phone earlier tonight"

Larry "She's in Paris with mama, she wouldn't be calling Lau. I'll ask him"

"No, no, it's ok, maybe I was mistaken. Don't bother him, Larry, it's fine."

"OK, no problem" he said, waiting in place for the others to join them.

Laurent and Issy had joined them now, and as they left the restaurant, a few paps snapped their picture, two happy couples, hand in hand.

The taxi dropped Larry and Issy back at hers first, then on to Laurent's apartment.  They entered the apartment, he dropped his keys and phone, and turned to hold this amazing woman, HIS amazing woman, in his arms, something he hadn't been able to do all night.  He pulled her to him, and kissed her gently, then more forcefully.

Maggie "Not tonight, Lau, I'm tired sweetie. Jet lag catching up with me"  He looked bereft, playfully pouting at her dismissal.

"No, not gonna work, not tonight" She was deadly serious, with not even a smile as she turned to walk to the bedroom.

Laurent "You OK?"

"Yeah, told you. Tired. Jet lag"

After getting undressed, and completing their nighttime routines, they got into bed in silence. Laurent snuggled in to spoon Maggie, but she didn't back up into him like she usually did, making the most of their closeness, their connectedness.

Laurent "Goodnight, love of my life"  

 "Goodnight"  -- there's something not right -- he thought -- but she'll tell me eventually, she always does. --       Maggie lies in Laurent's arms, her mind racing, tears pricking her eyes  -- you can't cry -- if you cry you'll sniff, then he will want to know -- so you can't cry -- she was admonishing herself like she would admonish A.J. when he was a child.

It wasn't Lilo on the phone.

Who did he call "honey"?

Who couldn't he wait to see ?

And who did he love too ?

Then the words she had always told herself were true, flooded her brain.  The words she knew were tried and tested.  The words she hated now, and wished with all that was in her, all that she was, she didn't believe.

Everyone has a dark side.

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