Part 1

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Hi, my name is Beca and I am here to tell you about my teen pregnancy. It all started when I went to a party, the one that chaned my life. I walked in and instantly saw my best friend, Sophie. 'Hey Sophie!' I screamed over the loud music.

'Hey sista-fraand!' She replied. That was what we called each other. I walked off to the kitchen to get a drink. I wasn't much of a drinker as I was only 15 but I occasionally drank at parties. I got a glass of vodka and soda and walked off to find my boyfriend. I found him sitting next to the pool with some of our friends. As soon as he spotted me, he kissed me on the lips then said hi. I said hi too and then sat down. They were playing truth or dare and one of my friends dared my boyfriend Sam to have a makeout session with me. I jumped excitedly because he was a great kisser. He stood up and passionately laid his lips on mine. He started rubbing his hand on my boob and pushed his tongue into my mouth. 'Take it to a room!' Our friend Cassy shouted. With that, Sam picked me up and made out with me until we found a room. He closed and locked the door behind him and pushed me against the wall. We made out for about 10 minutes until we both got bored. We started stripping eachother and finally, we were both standing there naked. I laid down on the bed and he got on top of me, sliding into me as easy as that. We had so much fun and finally both fell asleep in eachothers arms.


The next day, I woke up and realised I was still naked, lying next to Sam in the same bed we had "done it" in the night before. I scrambled out of bed and quickly got dressed. I was a little bit sore down below but soon, the pain went away. I checked my phone and realised that it was only 5:30 am so I still had time to sneak into my house. I drove home in the light of the rising sun and arrived home at 5:50 am. I snuck inside then put on my pyjamas and hopped into bed thinking about what had happened the night before and quickly fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of my 10 year old sister bashing on my bedroom door. I told her to go away and she left me alone in peace. As I tried to fall asleep, I realised that the night before, Sam and I hadn't used any type of protection. Atleast I didn't think we had.




I'd missed my period and had been sick a few times so I decided it was time to buy a pregnancy test. Once I got to the shops, I went in and bought the most expensive pregnancy test I could, walked up to the cash register and bought it. I went to the self serve counter so I didn't get any looks. Once I bought it, I went the bathroom and followed the instructions. I had to wait for 5 minutes and it was the longest five minutes of my life EVER. I picked up the test and it said........


My teen pregnancy (a fiction teen pregnancy)Where stories live. Discover now