Part 6

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"Are you ready?" Sam asked me as I walked out of the bathroom. I had just had a shower and I was naked! I forgot that he had just moved into my house to help support the baby.
"Oh! God! Sorry! I forgot you lived here now!" I whispered.
"It's fine. I've seen it all before. Don't worry," he said. "Anyway...what time is Brad coming?" he asked.
"11. Then, it's the moment of truth!" I said to him.
"Ok, and by the way, I heard your parents talking about us last night and they were saying that I should probably get a job to support us." He said.
"Oh. Really?" I asked ashamed of my parents because they think they need to tell him he needs a job!
"Yeah. Could you just tell them that my parents are rich and they'll do anything they can to support this baby!" He asked.
"Of course I will!" I said kissing him on his forehead then I walked downstairs.
The doorbell rung and I looked over at the clock. It was 10:59 am and then it hit me. It was BRAD.
"Mum!" I called. "DOOR!" I yelled even louder. She raced to the door and opened it and I saw by brother, Brad standing next to a girl a little bit younger than him.
"Hi Brad!" Mum shouted which obviously meant she wanted everyone else to come see him.
"Hi mum. Hi Beca." He looked at me and waved. Luckily I had sat on a chair that faced back the the door so all he could see was my face when I turned around.
"Hey." I said feeling bad for not getting up to see him. He started walking my way but just then, Dad and Lexi walked downstairs. Luckily I told Sam to wait upstairs for me until I went up to get him.
"Hi Brad!" Lexi shouted running over to him and giving him a big hug. He picked her up and said hi to dad. Then he started walking towards me again.
"Beca! It's so good to see you. How's life" He said pulling me out of my chair.
"Okay, I guess." I replied as he stared at my stomach.
"Oh um," Brad said, his mouth wide open. "What's this?" He asked pointing at my fat belly.
"A baby." I said as I put on a fake smile.
"Oh wow." He said. "I can't believe my little sister is pregnant before I even have any kids!" He said. "Can I feel it?" He asked.
"Sure!" I cheerfully said happy to know that he wasn't angry.
"Woooow." He said amazed. "Who's the dad?" He asked.
"Wait one second." I said as I walked upstairs. "Sam?" I called.
"Coming!" He yelled as he walked out of our bedroom. We walked down the stairs and into the living room where everyone else had moved themselves to.
"Hi." Sam said as he waved at Brad and the girl he was with.
"SAM?" He yelled. "OMG it's you! I never thought you guys would last." He said. Then I remember we were dating when Brad left to go to America 2 years ago.
"Well we did." Sam replied. "And we made someone that will keep us together forever." He joked.
"Ahh well, how's your brother Nick?" Brad asked. Nick was Brad's best friend before he left and that's how Sam and I met.
"He's good! He's also excited that you're finally back!" Sam said.
"Really? Well I better go see him soon!" Brad replied.
"Brad?" I asked. "Can we talk?"
"Sure." Brad said as he stood up and followed me upstairs into my room.


"What's up Beca?" Brad asked as he pulled me into a big long hug.
"Sorry I got pregnant. It wasn't my fault! I was a little bit drunk and we were at a party kissing then one thing led to another and next thing we knew, we were going to be parents." I said sadly but the thought of that night made me happier.
"Oh Beca. It's fine! Accidents happen and it was your choice! I still love you. You'll be fine!" He said as he walked into my closet. "How was it anyway? Was it your first time?" He asked as he pulled one of Sam's shirts out of the closet.
"Yes it was. We used protection and everything!" I shouted frustrated. "And it was good. I enjoyed it but I just wish I didn't get pregnant on my first time. Now I'll never be able to enjoy it." I told Brad.
"Don't worry! My first time, I got stuck! It's fine and I'm just glad you want to tell me these things! After all, I am your older brother and not many people talk to any of their siblings like this!" He said.
"Hahaha really?" I asked as he nodded. "I'm also glad we can tell each other anything!" I said hugging him.
"Good. How was it at school?" He asked.
"Oh god! You'll never believe what happened! The day after I found out, I called Sophie and it was a school morning. I told her and she was fine but at school, we were in the toilets talking about it and Rebecca was eavesdropping and she heard! Then that night, she posted something on Facebook and then at school the next day, I ran into her. It was the worst week of my life!" I said.
"Oh wow. She's the rude one isn't she?" He asked as I nodded and walked out the door and down the stairs.


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