Part 9

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Sam drove me home and we walked into my house. Brad was sitting there with the girl and I really wanted to know who she was.
"Brad." I said as I walked over to him. I leant down and whispered into his ear- "Who's she?" I asked.
"My girlfriend!" He whispered back. I nodded my head.
"Her name is?" I asked
"Tess." He said.
"Hi Tess! It's nice to meet you!" I said as I hugged her.
"Well hello, Beca. I've heard lots about you! Let's talk!" She said standing up and dragging me to her and Brad's room. I heard Brad and Sam talking downstairs about me.
"Let me just tell you, I'm very happy for you and Sam. My sister had a baby at 15 and she is fine! You'll be a great mother! I'm glad your baby daddy wants to stay and he'll be supportive!" Tess said.
"Thanks! I'm glad Brad ended up with you!" I said. I stood up and walked around the room. I found a condom wrapper on the floor and almost vomited!
"I just don't get why it had to happen to me. It was my first time and of course, the condom broke. I felt so dirty and slutty! At parties, all my friend does with people is have sex with everyone but of course, my first time FAILED!" I cried.
"Oh. I'm so sorry for you. Well we better get going we're going to Sam's house for dinner so Brad can see Nick!" She said as she patted my back. We walked downstairs and saw Lexi and Brad sitting on the couch talking. I guess they missed each other.
"Time to go!" Dad called out.
"Can we go in the big car? We'll all fit! You and mum in the front, Tess, Brad and I in the back and the lovers in the back back." Lexi said.
"We are not lovers. We are dating!" I said.
"No! You had sex and made a baby so now you're lovers. Plus, you ALWAYS kiss!" Lexi said.
"LEXI!" My dad shouted. "A 9 year old girl does not need to know what that is!" He said walking out to the car. Lexi showed him the 'talk-to-the-hand' sign and got into the car. The drive to Sam's was pretty quiet apart from my dad who was babbling on about work. Once we got to Sam's, Brad rushed out of the car because he was so excited to see Nick.
"Hi Brad!" Nick said as he hugged Brad.
"It's you!" Brad yelled.
"You look the same!" Nick said.
We all walked into the house and I saw Sam's mum Felicia, his dad Thomas, his brother Nick and his girlfriend and finally, I saw his little sister Abella. It was pretty funny because for all 3 kids each of our parents had, we were all born around the same time as the 'other one'. We'd been family friends over the years but we grew apart when I got into year 5. Nick and Brad became best friends and so did Abella and Lexi. Then there was just Brad and I. We hung out at school and when our parents became friends again, we became even closer. Then one night while we were at my house, he told me he had feelings for me and then I felt like I liked him too! A few days later, our school had a disco and he asked me out the night of the disco. We were in year 7 and it was kind of cool because everyone wanted to be like us. We really liked each other. Maybe even a little bit of love, even though I was only 13 and he was 14. Yes, he is a year older but he started school a year later. My first kiss was the night of the year 7 breakup party. It was at a hall that the school rented out and there was a DJ and everything. At 11:59, Sam pulled me behind the stage and kissed me. The next day, I told Sophie and all she did was laugh. A week later, school ended and we spent most of Summer together. Since that night at my house, we've become closer than ever. I think it was a good thing that we already knew each other when we got together because we've never fought and all of our friends think we will 'last to the end' as they say.
"Sam! Beca!" Nick said walking towards us. "Looks like there's a bun in the oven!" He said laughing.
"Yeah." I replied.
"Hey big bro!" Sam said shaking Nick's hand. When we found out I was pregnant, Nick was away so I think he only found out today because he wasn't really on board with anything.
"So how many months?" Felicia asked.
"I'm 4 months in so 5 months left! I'm having a summer baby!" I said joyfully.
"Oh that's great!" Thomas said. Abella and Lexi ran upstairs and started playing dolls while all the 'big people' talked downstairs.
"Nick, meet my girlfriend, Tess." Brad said signalling for Nick to do something.
"Brad, meet my girlfriend, Holly." Nick said. Holly and Tess went into the living room and Brad and Nick went to Nick's room. Sam and I started walking to his room but something stopped us.
"Hey!" Thomas called out.
"No funny business in the bedroom!" My dad said.
"Haha not funny." Sam laughed.
"What more can we do?" I asked turning around. We continued walking and finally got to his room. Yes, he did move in with me but all he brought with him was clothes and other stuff. Not furniture. We sat down on his bed and started talking.
"We need to get some baby furniture soon and make sure it fits in my house!" I said as I held onto Sam's hand.
"Yeah. If not, we can move here. If it's fine with everyone." He said, pulling me into a hug. The door swung open.
"Hey!" Brad said just was we started pashing. "No funny business! Dinner's ready." He said. We both nodded with out lips still together. He softly bit my lip so I opened my mouth so his tongue could enter.
"DINNER. NOW!" Our dads shouted in unison as they stood at the door.
"Sorry. We were getting carried away." Sam said. We walked downstairs and it was pretty awkward because everyone knew what we were doing. We sat down with smirks on our faces and started eating.
"So. How was that?" Nick asked us.
"How was what?" Sam asked accusingly.
"Your make-out session." Brad said.
"We were NOT making out! We were kissing." I said frustrated.
"What's making out?" Abella asked.
"It's when you kiss someone a lot and you-" Nick said.
"Nick! Abella, making out is when you talk like grown ups about grown up things!" Thomas said. Abella nodded and Lexi laughed because she knew what making out was. 30 minutes later, dinner was finished and everybody moved to the living room to talk. Sam and I went to his bedroom again.
"Remember no more. Actually, do what you want! We won't interrupt or tell you you can't do it. You have lives of your own." My dad said. All the parents nodded and went back to their conversation.
"That was awkward!" Sam said as I giggled my head off.
"Yep!" I laughed. Sam sat down beside me and kissed my lips. He turned my head and whispered in my ear.
"I love you!" He said sexily.
"I love you too!" I whispered back. He didn't move my head back but instead he kissed the side of my neck and my ear. He started sucking my neck and I let out a small moan. I heard someone walk past Sam's room but luckily, they kept walking.
"I love you Sam Fopel!" I said.
"And I love you too, Beca Gioporos." He said back. He slowly moved his hand do my boobs and I helped him turn around. He sat on the bed and I sat on top of him. He started kissing me and rubbing my boobs when we heard giggling.
"Hey!" Sam shouted.
"Lexi! Abella! Leave. NOW!" I shouted. They heard the parents say to leave us alone but of course, they had to come watch us.
"That's making out!" Lexi whispered to Abella. Lexi was pointing at us. We kept doing it until they thought it was yuck. Then they finally left.
"Finally," I said. "Let's keep going!" Sam nodded his head in agreement and kissed me. We kept doing our thing until my mum texted me. It said-
Hi honey! We are leaving now! Keep doing your thing if you want. You're welcome to stay the night of you want! Xx love mum.
I replied saying-
Hi, we're not doing anything 'bad' I'll stay the night and come home tomorrow. ❤️Beca❤️
"So you're staying?" Sam asked me.
"Why wouldn't I?" I asked.
"Good point!" He replied kissing my cheek. I walked to the bathroom to go to the toilet and looked in the mirror. There was a bruise on my neck from him kissing me! I went to the toilet and then showed him.
"Whoops!" He laughed.
"Hey, I need some clothes for bed." I said.
"Right. Here use these." He threw me a t-shirt which looked like it would be to big on me. I undressed and put it on. It was to big but I liked it.
"Come snuggle." Sam said as he patted the bed. I walked over to him and got into bed. Be rubbed my stomach occasionally 'accidentally' touching my boobs.
"Sam?" I said.
"What's up babe?" He asked.
"I love you!" I said. I could hear someone whispering outside his bedroom.
"I love you too!" He said. "Come in!" He shouted obviously hearing the whispers too.
"Hi." Said Nick.
"What do you want?" Sam asked.
"Nothing I just want to talk." Nick replied.
"About?" Sam asked.
"Girls! I mean, you ended up with a lovely, beautiful girl," he said winking at me. "But I just can't seem to find the right one!" He said.
"Why do you care? You have Holly, she's nice and also pretty." Sam said.
"Not anymore. We just had a fight and she left. We're over." He said sadly.
"Oh well. All you have to do is keep searching and soon enough, you'll find the right one!" Sam said. He was right because, after all, he found me! Nick nodded to his reply and left the room. Sam and I watched a movie entangled in each other's arms. We both fell asleep and woke up the next morning.
"Hey princess." Sam said sleepily. His eyes were still half closed as he kissed me on the lips.
"Hi babe!" I replied, kissing him on the forehead. "Do you remember what it is tomorrow?" I asked.
"Your birthday!" He said. "I have a surprise for you!" He said pointing at me. I got out of bed and went into the shower. Today, we had no school because the teachers we're finishing reports and everything. In the middle of my shower, Sam walked in and got in too. He stood behind me and rubbed my stomach. He could see everything because we were facing a mirror. I was a little bit embarrassed but remembered he had seen it all before.
"You're beautiful!" He said as he slowly moved his hands up and down on my stomach.
"So are you!" I said turning around so I could see his face. "Well, you're handsome!" I laughed. We got out of the shower and got dressed then went downstairs to have breakfast. Everyone else had left because Nick and Holly went to visit her family, Abella still had school and Felicia and Thomas were at work.


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