Part 7

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"Saaaaaaaam!" I yelled down the stairs.
"I'm coming!" He moaned walking into my room.
"We need to talk. NOW!" I said.
"What? What's wrong?" He asked.
"We need a name." I said.
"Oh yeah! Do you have any ideas?" He asked.
"Well, I've always liked the name Ruby. I also like Isabella or Sophie." I said.
"Yeah? I've always liked Isabella!" He said.
"Isabella it is." I joyfully said. "'s 7:30 am... We have to get to school!" I said.
"I'll drive. Let's get food on the way." Sam said as I nodded in agreement. I got out of bed and walked to my walk-in-robe and put on a pair of shorts and t-shirt. I packed a hoodie in my bag because it was going to get cold later. I walked into Lexi's room and said goodbye. Then I went downstairs to where my parents were.
"Have fun at school!" My mum called out as I ran to the door. I waved goodbye and scrambled to the car.
"Ready?" Sam said.
"Yep." I replied. The drive to school was quiet and a little bit awkward because the whole time, Sam was rubbing my stomach and occasionally started rubbing my boobs! When we finally got to school, we got out of the car and walked into school, hand in hand.
"Aawwww you two lovebirds!" Sophie said as she walked up behind us.
"Haha we can't really help it! I just love her." Sam said kissing my lips.
"Whohohohoho last time you did this, that happened!" Sam's friend Will said pointing at my stomach. All of Sam's other friends came up behind Will and Sam started talking to them. Then all my friends came up to me and started talking to me.
"How's it been?" My friend Cassy said.
"Good." I said.
"I remember 'that' night I told you to take it to a room! So you're free to blame me!"️ she then said.
"Well, it takes two to tango and Sam said he was about to pick me up but you told us to take it to a room so it wasn't you're fault. It would've happened anyway." I said. Then the 'boy' and 'girl' groups joined together and we formed a big 'huddle' thing. Heaps of people started asking Sam and I questions. He moved to me and put his arm around me so we could answer the questions together.
"Did you guys use protection?" Our friend Danny asked.
"Yes. As a matter of fact we did." Sam said.
"But it broke!" I giggled. Then our whole group started to break up and we all went to class.
The day went pretty fast and after school, our group rejoined and we continued our conversation.
"Guys." Sam said. "We have news."
"What is it?" Everyone asked.
"Well..." Sam and I said in unison. "We're having a...."
"A what?" Everyone asked again.
"AN ALIEN!" Will joked.
"No. We're having a GIRL!" We shouted.
"Really omg that's so cool!" Everyone said again. "Does she have a name yet?" Sophie asked.
"Yes. We're going to name her Isabella." Sam said.
"That's cute!" Cassy said. Then everyone in our group lined up to feel my stomach. It was kind of weird because all the boys were touching my stomach and some of them tried to pretend to slip so they could touch my boobs.
"Alright that's enough!" Sam said kissing my lips and rubbing my boobs teasing all the other guys.
"Stop it! We're jealous!" Will said I'm a whiney voice. "Just because you have a girlfriend and none of us don't, it doesn't mean you can make out in front of us." He said jealousy still in his voice. All the other guys nodded and next thing I knew, Sophie and Will were kissing each other!
"Eehhemm." Sam cleared his throat. "Earth to Will and Sophie?" He said.
"Yeah?" Will said turning around.
"You're the one who just gave me a lecture about kissing girls and then you turned around and kissed one." He chuckled.
"Haha well...about that..." Will said.
"We're together!" Sophie excitedly shouted.
"Really?" I asked.
"Good for you guys." Sam said playfully hitting Will on the back then turning around to kiss me AGAIN.
"You guys can't get enough of each other!" One of our friends Ruby said.
"Well we already did the most we can so it's pretty much alright to kiss each other all the time!" I said.
"Guys! It's only 3:30 pm so who wants to come to my house? My rents are away for a few weeks so there's no one home but me!" Danny said. Everybody nodded and we got into our cars and drove to Danny's house. I texted my mum and told her I might be late because I was at a friends. She was fine with it because I can't do anymore than I already had!


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