Part 8

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As we pulled up to Danny's house, Sam grabbed my hand and told me something I'll never forget.-
"Beca, I just want you to know that I love you and I'll be here forever no matter what. I know I may have been showing off a little bit in front of all the guys to make them jealous, but to be honest, I wanted to do it. Not just because I wanted to act cool in front of my friends. I'll always love you. No matter what." He said as he kissed my hand.
"Awww! I love you too. I'm glad you'll never leave me and I'm going to have you forever." I said staring into his big, bright blue eyes. I hope Isabella has his eyes.
"Let's go inside." He said. I nodded and hopped out of the car. There was only like 4 cars there because Sam and I went in one car, Will and Sophie went in another and the rest shared. There was about 20 of us and we'd all become friends when we were in year 7. Since then, we were called the cool group and everyone wanted to be us but they just didn't fit in with us. I think that's another reason Rebecca's jealous of me. I'm cool, she's not.
"Sophie. Let's talk!" I said as we got into the house.
"What's up?" She asked. I pulled on her arm and we walked into a bedroom.
"Well I'm just happy you and Will are together. Just don't end up like me!" I told her.
"Don't worry I won't." She said pulling me into a tight hug. Someone walked in and told us that everyone was going to play a game of truth or dare. We walked out of the room where everybody was sitting on the floor there was a spot next to Sam so I decided to sit there.
"Really guys?" I asked.
"What?" Sam said.
"It's hard to sit on the ground when you're pregnant!" I said laughing.
"Oh right. Grab my hand and I'll help you." Sam said. I grabbed his hand and started sitting down then suddenly, his arm slipped and Sam grabbed my boob and everyone started cheering- "KISS KISS KISS KISS KISS". Sam pecked my lips then I sat down.
"Truth or dare...Beca," Peter our friend said.
"Dare!" I replied.
"Pull up your top and show us your stomach..." He hesitated. "And boobs." He finally said. I let out a sigh but did it anyway because I knew if I didn't, I would have to do something worse in front of the group, it had happened before but thankfully not to me!
"Fineeee." I said. I wasn't too happy to do it but I just thought, YOLO! I pulled my top off which exposed my baby belly and my boobs which were supported by a push-up sports bra.
"Oohhhhhh!" I heard all the boys say as they stared at my boobs. I quickly put my top back on and laughed.
"Hey. She's mine!" Sam said kissing my cheek.
"Truth or dare...Sam." I said staring at him.
"Truth." He replied.
"Do you love me?" I asked.
"Of course I do!" He replied. "Why wouldn't I?" He said.
"I actually don't know why you wouldn't love me! I said sarcastically.
"Truth or dare...Will." Sam said.
"Truth!" He replied excited that someone asked him.
"Who have you hooked up with?" Sam asked.
"Sorry in advance to anyone here that I mention. You know who you are. Ok so. Samantha, Rebecca, Sophie, Lizzie, Sophie, Lauren, Tiffany, Lexi, Sophie." He said.
"Dude, you're popular. Haha." Danny said.
"Truth or dare...Sophie." Will asked.
"Dare." She said.
"I dare you to kiss Cassy." He said laughing.
"Babe no. I will kiss you though!" She yelled.
"Baby come on. Just kiss me then!" He said. They made out for a while until we stopped them and kept playing the game. Soon, there was only Sam, Sophie, Will, Danny, Tiffany and I left.
"Truth or dare...Beca!" Sophie asked.
"Truth." I said not wanting a repeat of last time.
"Who did you lose your virginity to?" She asked.
"Umm ok. My first time was the night of the party and I really wish it did not end like this but I'm still happy." I said.
"Truth or dare...Tiffany." I said.
"Dare!" She said.
"I dare you to have a full on make out session with Danny. AND you have to start going out!" I said.
"Oh fine. Whatever." Tiffany said.
"Well, everybody knows that we've always liked each other." Danny said. They started their business then went into a room. We left them a note saying that we had left and hoped that had fun. Then I remembered we had a group chat with all the people in our group. So I text them something-

"Guys! I'm a matchmaker...Danny and Tiffany are hooking up and it's all because of me! If you like someone, come to me and I will help you! Lots of love ❤️BECA❤️.

I didn't feel mean sending that because we all did it and when Sam and I hooked up 'that night' Tiffany told all the people in our group that wasn't at the party. I was fine with it.

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