Part 11

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****2 MONTHS LATER****

"Only two months left babe!" Sam said as we asked into school.
"I know! I'm so excited but I feel so big!" I said. I was 7 months pregnant today!
"Get ready for a lot of questions!" Sam said. All of our group ran up to us. We just had a school holiday and Sam and I went to Queensland for the whole time so we saw none of our friends.
"Omg you're so big!" Sophie said.
"I know! I feel so yuck!" I told everyone. "Tiffany! Danny! How's the love life going?" I asked.
"Great!" Tiffany said.
"I love her! Thanks Beca!" Danny said as I flashed him a smile and winked at them. They continued kissing.
"Guys! I have news!" I said.
"What?" Everyone asked me.
"Well. My brother's girlfriend is pregnant!" I shouted.
"Really omg. Who's his girlfriend.?" Tiffany asked.
"Haha it's actually Danny's sister! He already knew too!" I said.
"Seriously?" Cassy asked.
"Yeah. Strange isn't it?" Sam said.
"Her names Tess!" Danny said. Then the bell rung and we left for class. During period 1 I went to the bathroom and was shocked at what I found. Rebecca was there with her friend Amy and Rebecca was crying. They were in a toilet stall and didn't hear me come in so they kept talking.
"Amy I can't believe I'm pregnant!" Rebecca cried out.
"Neither can I!" Amy said.
"Now I'm just a low life slut. Like Beca." Rebecca said.
"Hi girls. Beca here." I said.
"Oohhh how long have you been here?" Rebecca asked.
"Long enough to know that you're pregnant. Who's the dad?" I asked.
"Aarrrghhhh why why why why why god just leave. NOW!" Rebecca said.
"Who's the father?" I asked frustrated
"Marcus." She replied.
"Oh too bad he doesn't stay and support the girls he gets pregnant!" I laughed.
"Oh whatever!" Amy said. I walked out and went back to my class. At lunch I found my group and went and sat down with them.
"News!" I said. "I was in the bathroom and Rebecca and Amy were in there..." I paused. "Rebecca's pregnant!" I whispered.
"Omg what?" Everyone said.
"Yep and Marcus is the dad!" I giggles. Marcus was one of the ugliest guys in school.
"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah" our group burst into laughter as soon as we stopped laughing, the lunch bell rung and we went to class. After school, everyone in our group came to my car (I got my licence) and gave me presents. I got heaps of clothes, baby stuff, jewellery and way more things. After I got my presents, Sam and I went home. We each had a heap of homework so we did that then it was time for dinner.
"So, Tess, how's the pregnancy?" I asked her.
"Good. I've had no morning sickness so I guess that's a good thing!" She said.
For the rest of dinner, we just talked about school and being pregnant. After dinner, Sam and I went upstairs and I had a shower.
"What's wrong?" Sam asked.
"I have stretch marks!" I shouted.
"Thank god! I thought you were in labour." Sam said whipping his forehead.
"Can you get my mum?" I asked him.
"Sure." Sam said and walked downstairs.
5 minutes later, Sam came back with my mum.
"Mum help! I have stretch marks!" I screamed.
"It's ok baby girl. Get dressed. I'll find you some cream." She said then left.
"It's fine!" Sam said as I got dressed. Once I was dressed, he pulled me into a tight hug. He kissed the top of my head so I tilted it up so he could see my face. He kissed my forehead and then my nose slowly making his way to my lips. Mum walked in just as he pushed me to a wall.
"Eehhhem." She said.
"Sorry mum!" I said.
"Sorry Mrs Gioporos." Sam said.
"Oh. Call me Mary!" Mum said, "Anyway. I found some cream. Put it on every morning and every night." Mum said.
"Ok thanks mum." I said hugging her and giving her a peck on the cheek. Mum walked out of my room and closed the door behind her.
"Hey!" Sam said in a whiney voice.
"What?" I asked laughing.
"Save your kisses for me!" He said, leaning in toward me and kissed me. We got into bed and went to sleep.

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