Part 4

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I woke up the next day and had a shower. As I got dressed, I realised that my bump was quite big as I was 3 months pregnant and I was showing! A lot... I ran down the stairs to find my Mum making breakfast in the kitchen.
"Hi Mum." I said happily.
"Hey honey!" She joyfully said looking at my fully exposed stomach because all I was wearing was a sports bra which hardly fitted. "Do you want to skip school so we can go get you some maternity clothes?" She asked and I nodded taking a bite into my piece of toast. After I finished my toast, I walked up into my room to put on some clothes. It was July so it was very cold and I live in Melbourne so it was even colder. I found a pair of jeans which were to big for me when I got them but now, they fit me. I put on an Elwood brand hoodie and walked into the bathroom to do my hair. I put it into a high, messy bun and then I brushed my teeth. It was already 9:30 so I decided to text Sophie and tell her I wasn't coming to school today. I carefully walked downstairs and got into my mums car.


"Mum, I'm really hungry. Can we eat?" I asked pointing to the food court.
"Sure. We've done enough shopping for today so let's go home after we have some food." She replied as she sat down.
We got some hot chips and a soft drink and decided to take them home with us. As we got home, I realised that the next day would be my last day of school because we didn't have exams because we had NAPLAN instead. I walked inside and sat down on the couch. My mum walked in and gave me my chips and drink then sat down next to me.
"So, how's Sam?" She asked.
"Fine, he's going to be here for me." I happily replied.
"Was that the first time you had sex?" She then asked.
"Yes." I replied.
"Well then. Unlucky!" She said.
"Yeah.." I said as my voice trailed off.
"Well, I hope you enjoyed it because you won't be doing it for a while!" She said sternly and reassuringly.
"Yes Mum. I promise," I said then walked up the stairs but stopped halfway. "Mum?" I asked.
"Yes honey." She sympathetically said.
"It felt good and honestly, I want to do it again and again every day but I know I can't. Sorry." I said. My mum looked shocked.
"Oh. Well I'm just glad that you don't have a disease that may kill you." She replied sadly.
"Thanks. See ya." I said as I waved and walked off.
I got into my bedroom and saw Sam standing there with a box of chocolates and a bouquet of roses in his hands.
"Hi beautiful." He said as I looked at him confused.
"Hey. Can we go to yours? My mum's here and she just gave me a lecture telling me not to have sex again." I said.
"Sure. My mum is at a friends for the night and my dad is on a business trip for 1 month." He replied.
"Ok I'll tell my mum I'm going out and won't be home until tomorrow because I'm at a new girls house and we are doing a project. And you can climb down the way you got up!" I said and Sam nodded. He walked out onto my balcony and climbed down. I walked downstairs.
"Mum, I'm going to the new girls house for a project and I will be there all night." I said as I walked around the corner to where my mum was.
"Ok see you tomorrow night." She said waving goodbye.
I walked out the door and saw Sam waiting across the road for me. I walked over to him and kissed him.
"Wait until we get back to my house." He said as he opened the car door.
"Fine." I said moaning.
The drive to his house was pretty quiet except when he started a conversation.
"So, when are you doing to the doctors?" He asked me.
"Well, I already went but I am due to go soon. We find out the gender then." I said excitedly.
"Yay!" He yelled as he drove into his garage.
"Hurry up!" I said as he parked his car. Before we even had a chance to get out, he was passionately kissing my lips and rubbing my boobs. We got out of the car and closed the garage door. He picked me up and laid me on the hood of the car. He kissed my and then took my clothes off then his.
"This is hard with the baby." He said as he slid into me.
"Yeah." I said.
Next thing I knew, was that I woke up entangled in his arms lying on top of him...naked! I woke him up then we got ready for school. It was our last day so we didn't want to be late.


School was great and when I got home, I found out that Mum had booked me an appointment to the doctors!

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