Part 14

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1 year later

"Happy birthday princess!" I said as I walked into Isabella's room. Brad and Tess moved out after they had their babies so once she was old enough for her own room, Isabella moved into Brad's room.
"Hi mummy!" She said as she clapped her hands together. She was already talking and almost walking.
"Who's birthday is it today?" Sam asked as he walked into the room with some balloons and a lot of presents.
"Mine?" Isabella asked. Sam and I nodded and gave her her presents. She got lots toys, books and clothes from us. Mum and dad gave her a bed for when she gets old enough to sleep in it and Lexi got her a dolls house. At night, we had a party for Isabella and she got more toys and clothes.
I never thought that raising a baby could be so hard. No matter how many books you read or how many classes you go to or how many videos you watch, you'll never be able to keep up with your baby!

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