Part 3

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I woke up the next morning and realised I had woken up very early. It was 6:30 and I needed to get up at 7:30. I decided to call Sophie because she was always up early. The phone rung 3 times then she answered.
"Hey, you're up early, something's up I just know it." She said.
"Well, you know that party we went to 2 months ago?" I asked her nervously.
"Yeah...oh god don't tell me you're-" she said.
"I'm pregnant!" I interrupted.
"Omg omg this can't be happening!" She said.
I burst into tears and then she spoke again.
"It's alright. Wait is it? Who's the father?" She asked worried.
"Sam." I replied joyfully thinking about him.
"Well at least it's your boyfriend!" She laughed.
"Be right back. Morning sickness." I said as I put my phone down and ran to the bathroom. I vomited then went back to my room where my phone was.
"Are you alright?" She asked. "Eeewwww how awful it must be for you!" She sympathetically said.
"Yeah I'm fine. It's my fault anyway." I said as I sighed.
"Oh it's fine! You'll be fine." Sophie reminded me.
"Yeah, I just don't know how everyone at school will react." I said.
"Yeah good point. Anyway, I have to go get ready for school. See you!" She said.
"Bye." I said feeling awful. I fell asleep but after 10 minutes, my alarm went off. I got up and ready for school and vomited again. I went downstairs and had some waffles, then my mum drove me to school. At school, I was shocked nobody knew about my pregnancy yet. I thought it would've spread like wildfire over the weekend. The day went pretty smoothly and I was happy nobody knew yet.


Once I got home, I went up to my room and started on my homework but then I got a Facebook update and it said;
'OMG GUYS! I heard from a little birdie that our friend Beca is preggers! Congrats...SLUT.'
Omg I couldn't believe my eyes. The person who wrote that was my enemy, Rebecca. She hates me because I apparently 'stole' her name. Now the whole school knows....great. I decided to call Sam and ask if he had anything to do with it.
"Hi," He said as soon as he answered. "Have you seen Facebook yet?" He asked.
"Yep, sure have and that's why I called." I replied.
"Oh, ok." He seemed shocked.
"Did you tell anyone?" I asked in shame.
"No, I swear on my life it was not me." He replied anger in his voice.
"Ok fine. I believe you! Hey, I have to go so I'll talk to you later." I said.
"Bye. Love you!" He said then I hung up.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here." I turned around a corner and saw Rebecca standing with 2 other girls.
"Oh um hi." I said as I waved.
"Look, it's the slut. Who's the baby daddy?" She asked looking at my small bump.
"Sam." I replied in frustration.
"Oh well too bad he's cheating on you. He slept with me last night. Hahahaha!" She said.
"Well I'm not talking about Sam Wethering. I'm talking about my Sam. Sam Fopel." I replied, this time, in anger.
"Oh whatever." She said flicking her hair.
"Who told you anyway?" I asked confused.
"Well, I heard you and Sophie in the bathrooms." She replied.
Then it hit me. Yesterday, Sophie and I were in the bathrooms talking about it and someone walked in. They must've been eavesdropping because when they walked in, we stopped.
"Whatever. This is me now and I'm fine with that. I'm not a problem to you so why do you care anyway?" I asked as I walked off not even bothering to hear her reply.


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