Part 10

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"Can we go in here?" I asked Sam as we asked part my favourite shop- Cotton On.
"Ok. Anything for you!" He said. We went inside and looked at all the clothes. There was dresses, tops, pants, everything. I tried on heaps of stuff but nothing fitted. Sam tried on a pair of shoes and decided to buy them.
"Beca?" A male voice said. "Is that you?" It asked as I turned around to see my ex, Jacob, standing at the checkout.
"Come here I'll serve you." He said. We walked to his checkout and put the shoes up.
"Who's this?" He asked.
"It's my boyfriend, Sam. The father of my baby." I replied.
"Congratulations! I remember when I was your boyfriend. We were only 12 and couldn't do anything..." He said.
"Yeah. Well it was nice talking to you." I replied.
"Bye." He said waving at us. We waved back and walked out of the shop.
"He was your boyfriend?" Sam asked me.
"Yeah. He was really weird so I broke up with him. I didn't even like him, he was just the hottest guy so I said yes when he asked me out! Haha I was a twelvie!" I laughed. Sam laughed then we walked to the food court to eat. We had chips and salad then went to my house.
"Hi lovers!" Lexi said as we walked inside. As a joke, Sam and I made out with each other for a while but it got to intense for Lexi to watch so we went upstairs. Lexi was the only one home and I knew she would get picked up at 3:45 to go to dancing.
"Alright, she's gone. Kiss me." I told Sam. We stood up and he pushed me to a wall. We made out for a while and undressed in the process. I laid down on the bed and he slid inside me.
"This is so hard with a baby!" He said.
"Yeeep!" I moaned. We continued to do this for 20 minutes until we both got tired. We went downstairs and sat on the couch and watched TV. We cuddled under the blanket and he kept rubbing my boobs. When my mum and dad came home, he stopped and we got up and went into the kitchen.
"How was today?" My mum asked me.
"Good!" I said giggling as I remembered what we had just done.
"What?" My dad asked.
"Nothing. Nothing." I said.
"Jamie. Mary. We need some baby furniture and we don't think it will fit in Beca's room. If it doesn't, would you mind if we moved to my house?" Sam asked.
"Well, I think that's a great idea. I mean you have the space." My mum Mary said.
"Yeah it's totally fine with me." My dad Jamie said. Just then, Brad and Tess walked inside.
"Hi everyone! Beca, can we talk?" Brad asked.
"Sure. Come to my room." I said walking up the stairs. Brad walked into my bathroom and closed the door behind us. He pulled something out of his pocket and I realised it was a pregnancy test.
"Why do you have a pregnancy test in your pocket? I asked him.
"Well, I got Tess pregnant." He said nervously.
"Oh wow." I said. I was shocked but happy for them.
"I know. She's 1 month and I'm really scared. What do I do?" He asked.
"Well. Do her parents know?" I asked. He nodded his head. "Well they're fine with is?" I asked again.
"I think so." He said.
"Just go and tell mum and dad. Their 15 year old daughter is pregnant. I'm pretty sure they'll be fine that their 20 year old son's girlfriend is pregnant." I reassured him.
"Ok I will!" He said as he opened the door and walked down the stairs. "Mum. Dad." He said.
"Yes honey. What's wrong?" My mum asked.
"Well. Tess it pregnant." He said. "The baby's mine!" He said with a smile on his face.
"Oh ok wow." Was all my dad could say.
"Well we're all happy for you and we will support you all the way." My mum said. Brad walked over to Tess and gave her a hug. They went upstairs and so did Sam and I.
"Wow." Sam said. I nodded my head as I sat on his lap. "I can't wait until tomorrow!" He said.
"Neither can I!" I said. "I can't believe I'll finally be 16. To bad I'm not having a party." I frowned.
"Beca, Sam, Tess, Brad. Dinner's ready!" Mum called up the stairs. We all walked downstairs and ate our dinner then went back upstairs.
"I'm tired." I said to Sam as I put some pyjamas on.
"Me too! Let's go to bed." He said as he walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth. We got into bed and fell asleep in about 10 minutes.
"Happy birthday baby!" Sam said as he walked into my room with pancakes and tea. "Breakfast in bed!" He said. I sat up and he gave me my breakfast.
"Thanks babe!" I said as I kissed him.
"Wait." He said as he pointed his finger up so signal he was going to be 1 minute. A few minutes later, Mum, Dad, Lexi, Brad, Tess and Sam walked into my room. Then all had a present.
"Happy birthday!" They all said. Lexi handed me a present with a card on top from her. The present was some clothes and baby stuff. Brad and Tess gave me their gift which was a lot of baby clothes, toys and matching earrings, necklace and bracelet. Mum and dad gave me their gift next. It was in a small box. I opened it up and inside was car keys! I got out of bed and ran to the window. There was a car out the front! I didn't have my full licence but I had been practicing my driving a lot lately with my mum and dad.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I screamed as I hugged them both.
"It's alright!" My dad said.
Sam gave me his gift next. It was beautiful 24 carat gold earrings, a diamond cuff and a necklace with a charm on the end that said Sam+Beca.
"I love it!" I said.
"I love you!" Sam said kissing me. I returned his kiss and when he licked my lip, I let his tongue enter my mouth.
"Alright." My dad said.
"Try to keep it PG around Lexi." Mum said. We nodded and broke apart. We went downstairs and ran outside to see my car. It was a convertible BMW and it was black. I loved it! The day went pretty good and at night, Sam took me to a movie and out for dinner. We came home and went straight to bed. The next day, we had a doctors appointment. I was 5 months and I was just having a check up. Isabella is healthy and I'm very excited to have her in my life. Today, Sam and I went shopping for furniture. We bought a cot, a bassinet, heaps of other stuff and nappies. It cost $2000 but Sam paid for all of it! I'm glad his parents are rich!

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