Part 5

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Today was the day I was going to my doctors appointment and I decided to take Sam with me.
"Hey babe." He said as I opened the door of my house.
"Hi! Are you excited?" I asked.
"Yes!" He yelled looking at my stomach. "You're so big." He said rubbing his soft hand on my stomach. I put my hand on top of his and kissed his lips.
"Mmmm," he said. "What lipgloss are you wearing?" He asked.
"Cheery." I replied as I walked out the door.


"Are you ready?" Dr.Patricks asked me as she rubbed cold gel onto my stomach.
"Yes!" I quietly squealed.
"I sure am." Sam said as I grabbed his hand. Dr. Patricks rubbed the wand on my stomach and I saw a tiny person appear on the screen.
"Oh my god! It's our baby." Sam said ecstatically.
"Yes it is!" Dr Patricks said. "Do you want to know the gender?" She asked.
"Of course!" I shouted.
"It's a.........GIRL!" She told us.
"Oh my god. It's our baby girl." Sam said.
"She's beautiful!" I squealed. We looked at our baby girl for a little bit longer, got a few pictures then went home. Mum, Dad and Lexi were home and I showed them the photos. Then mum announced something I wasn't ready for.
"So...your older brother Brad is coming back and...well." She paused, "you're going to have to tell him." She said.
"Oh no. Mum no. He's going to kill me. Help me." I screamed.
"It's alright honey. He'll forgive you soon. It's fine!" She said. I frowned and grabbed Sam's hand then walked upstairs.
We needed a plan.
"It'll be fine. I promise. Tell him or show him then just back away," he said "plus, he's not going to hit his pregnant sister!" He joked.
"Ok, but I need you there to help me if he does try attack me. Imagine if my mum, dad and Lexi weren't home and it was only me. I would have to answer the door because my car would be out the front." I said as I started crying because reality SUCKED. Sam hugged my and we both fell asleep in each others arms.


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