Part 2

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Right there on that very stick, had the results of the rest of my life.
I was pregnant. How was I meant to tell my parents that I was pregnant? I was worried about what Sam would do as well. I called him and told him to meet me at the outskirts of town where nobody went. Once I finally got there. I waited in my car for 5 minutes until he arrived. 'Hi,' he said kissing me on the cheek. 'What's up?' he questioned me when he realised I was not acting like my normal self. 'I'm pregnant!' I blurted out not realising how I had told him. We stood there in complete silence for about a minute then he broke it. 'Am I the father?' he nervously questioned me. I nodded my head and he walked away getting into his car. I couldn't believe it, he helped me make this child but instead of helping, he wants nothing to do with it. I sat there crying and waited for him to drive off. He didn't. Instead he walked over to me and embraced me into his arms. 'I'm not going to leave you. Trust me, I love you and our baby! Please stay with me! It's all up to you and whether or not you want me to be apart of our baby's life.' he said, a soft tone in his voice. 'I want you to be apart of our baby's life. Why wouldn't I? I love you and need you!' I told him as he picked me up off the ground and put me in my car. 'My parents aren't home, come back to my house.' he told me and I nodded.

I pulled up into his driveway and got out of my car he was already home so I walked inside. 'Hey baby,' he said and pulled me into a warm hug. We kissed and that turned into making out then into undressing and we were ready. He put me on the bed but backed away. 'Are you sure you want to do this?' he asked and I nodded. 'Won't it hurt the baby.' he asked again. 'No, for this whole pregnancy, I won't have my period and I can't get double pregnant!' I replied as he laid down on top of me.

I woke up in his arms at 2:38 pm and decided I had to go home. I got dressed and wrote a note saying that I had gone home to tell my parents. When I got there, my sister Lexi was sitting on the couch watching TV. My mum and dad were in the kitchen making dinner. 'Mum, Dad. I need to tell you something....' my voice trailed off as I spoke. 'Honey, what is it?' my mum asked. 'You can tell us anything.' my dad said. 'I- I'm uhh umm I'm pregnant.' I said nervously. 'Oh honey. It's alright,' my mum said. 'We still love you!' my dad said tears forming in his eyes. I started crying and then my sister walked in. 'What's going on?' she question. 'Well, your sister is...' my mum tried to say but burst into tears. 'PREGNANT!' my dad yelled at the top of his voice. I got a little bit scared and thought he had taken a turn. After all, his 15 year old daughter WAS pregnant.
Later on that night, I texted Sam to ask him if he was going to tell his parents soon. He said he was going to tell them tomorrow because they are going out so they can't be around for too long to yell at him. He also said I had to be there! ~~BUZZ BUZZ~~
My phone started buzzing and it was Sam calling me.
"Hello" I said
"Hi!" Was his reply
"Do I really have to be there? You weren't there when I told my parents." I stubbornly asked.
"Fineeee...." He yelled back into the phone.
"K thanks! I gtg I'll talk to you later! Xx"
"Bye" he said. Then he hung up.
I walked downstairs to my parents. Mum, Dad and Lexi were sitting on the couch quietly talking but stopped when they realised I was in the room.
"Hi!" My mum said.
"Hey," I replied. "What's for dinner?" I asked eagerly. But a sickening feeling washed over me and I ran to the bathroom and vomited. My mum ran into the bathroom and held back my hair.
"Oh honey. Get used to that!" She said as I washed my mouth out.
"I'm not hungry anymore. I'm going to bed. See you soon." I whispered then walked into my bedroom.

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