Part 12

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I woke up the next morning and went to the toilet. When I finished, I went to my closet to get dressed.
"SAAAM!" I called out.
"Yeah?" He asked sleepily.
"Stretch marks! Come put cream on my stretch marks!" I said.
"Oh yeah!" He said. A minute later, he came into the walk-in-robe and took the cream from me and rubbed it onto my stretch marks.
"All done!" He said. "Are you excited that today is our last day of school?" He asked me.
"Yeah! We'll finally be able to relax before this baby comes!" I said. "I just want her out of me!" I shouted.
"Hey!" Lexi said as she walked into my room. "Hurry up lovers!" She said so Sam and I started kissing. "Uughh mum is talking us to school! It's 7:45 hurry up if you want a ride!" She yelled at us.
"Shit!" I yelled a little bit to loud.
"Yeah shit. Hurry up we'll be late!" Sam said.
We ran tho the car and got in at record time. We arrived to school with minutes to spare.


"Beca?" Mum called.
"What?" I asked walking down the stairs.
"It's your Aunty Carol on the phone." She replied.
"Hi Aunty Carol!" I said into the phone.
"Hey honey? How are you going? Anyway, are you free tonight? Come babysit the kids if you want!" She told me. Aunty Carol liked to rush her speaking so I just answered one question-
"I'd love to babysit the kids!" I answered back.
"Ok! See you ate 6:30!" Said Aunty Carol.
"Bye." I said as I hung up the phone.
I walked to my room and got changed. It was already 6:00 so I called Sam and told him I was babysitting. I told him he could come because my Aunty has a 9 month old daughter so I figured she could help us practice. He agreed to come and met me there.
"Hey baby!" Sam yelled out the window as I walked up to my Aunty's house. I hadn't seen my aunty in about 1 year because she just moved from Tasmania to Melbourne so unless someone told her, she didn't know I was pregnant.
I knocked on the door and my little cousin Poppy opened it. Poppy is 6 years old. My other cousin cam running to the door and his name is Thomas, he was 4 years old.
"You're fat!" Thomas giggled as he hugged me.
"Hel-" Aunty Carol said. "Oh wow. You're pregnant?" She asked. I nodded my head and then looked down at my feet.
"Yeah." I replied. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up and saw Sam standing beside me. "He's the dad." I said pointing at him.
"Hi, I'm Sam." He said as he hugged Aunty Carol.
"I'm Carol." She said. "Congratulations. Both of you!" She said as she kissed my cheek and hugged me.
"Thank you." I said, releasing the hug.
"Anyway..." She said. "Kids all in bed by 7:30, Poppy and Thomas have been fed. Just read them a story before you put them to bed. Lily had had a bottle but when you put her to bed, give half of one. She can hold it you just have to supervise. Burp her after she has a bottle then put her to bed. You're free to eat anything from the pantry or fridge." She said. "Just NO funny business!" She joked.
"Well what more can we do?" Sam laughed.
"Haha not funny!" I said.
"Ok. Time for me to go!" Aunty Carol said. "Bye"
"See you later!" Sam said.
"Bye." I waved as she got into her car.
We walked inside and asked what Poppy and Thomas wanted to do. Lily was lying down in a porta-cot and so I picked her up and played with her. Sam played with Poppy and Thomas for a while then it was time for the kids to go to bed. We fed Lily a bottle then burped her. After we put her to bed, we went to Thomas' room to read him a story.
"Beca?" He asked.
"Yeah. What's wrong?" I asked him.
"What's in your tummy?" He asked.
"A baby!" I happily replied.
"But don't only old people have babies?" He asked.
"Yes, they do but I'm not old. I'm too young to have a baby because I did the wrong thing. But it's my fault!" I said as I tucked him in.
"Hey!" Sam said. "It takes two to tango!" He laughed.
"Stop!" I said jokingly. "Alright Mr. Thomas, time for bed. Goodnight." I said as I kissed his forehead and tucked him in.
We walked into Poppy's room and read her a story called 'Poppy the Princess' it is her favourite story. We tucked her in and walked into the living room.
"Mmm I'm hungry!" Sam said.
"Me too." I said as he pulled me into a tight hug. He tilted my head up and kissed my lips soft then the pace increased. We started making out then he slid his tongue across my lips so he could have entrance into my mouth, which I allowed. We did this for about 10 minutes but then Lily started crying so we went back into her room and put her back to sleep. After she was asleep, we went into the kitchen and made some dinner. We had dinner then watched TV for a bit but I got sleepy so I decided to fall asleep. I fell asleep on Sam's chest and I think he even had a little snooze too! At 11:00, Aunty Carol came back and we left. We drove back to my house then went to bed.

1 and a half months later

"Only 2 more weeks until my due date!" I squealed. I was 8 months and 2 weeks pregnant and I couldn't believe how far I'd come.
"Yeah I sure as hell am nervous but I think we'll be just fine!" Sam replied. I agreed with him.
"I'll be back. I need the toilet." I stated as I got up off my bed and walked to the bathroom. "Ahhh ahhh ahhh omg omg!" I screamed.
"What's wrong?" Sam shouted. He came running into the room with a surprised look on his face.
"The baby's coming!" I yelled.

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