Part 13

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"After I say 10, start pushing!" The doctor said. "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. GO!" She yelled.
"Aaaaarrrrrhhhhh!" I screamed. It hurt so bad but I knew I had to keep pushing if I wanted this baby out of me!
"Almost there!" The doctor yelled. "Here's the head." She said. "Two more pushes and you'll be done!" She shouted.
"Eeerrrrrrrhhhh!" I screamed again.
"One more. Keep going. Now, PUSH!" She yelled.
"Eeeeeeeerrrrrrrhhhhhhh!" I screamed. I felt the pressure go away and joy filled me once I heard my baby girls cries.
"Congratulations. You have a beautiful, healthy, baby girl!" She said as she handed her to me.
"Hi baby girl." I said as tears filled my eyes. I kissed her forehead and held her so tight. In ever wanted to let go of her.
"Hi baby. Welcome to the world!" Sam said as he kissed me on the lips. "You did great!" He said.
The doctor took her off me and cleaned her, weighed and measured her and dressed her. Sam and I picked out the cutest pink and white striped body suit and matching beanie.
"She's so cute." I whispered to Sam.
"No wonder. We made her!" He joked,
"She's ours!" I said as I smiled at our little creation.
While I gave birth to out baby, Sam and Mum were in the room. After about one hour, Lexi and Dad came in to see us.
"Hi baby. I'm your Aunty!" Lexi said as she ran up to the baby cot. She ran over to me and gave me the biggest hug.
"Good job sis. I always knew you could do it!" She said as she kissed my cheek.
Dad walked over to me and sat on the chair beside my bed.
"Great work, baby girl!" He said, hugging me.
"Thanks dad. I love you!" I said.
After spending time with my family for a while, they left and Sam's family came in with Brad and Tess. Tess was 4 months pregnant and she looked humongous!
"Hi!" Felicia said as she walked over to me. She hugged me then Sam.
"She's beautiful guys!" Thomas said.
"Looks just like you two." Nick said.
Sam's family stated for about 5 minutes but left because they were going out for dinner. Brad and Tess were still there.
"Hey guys. Good job, you have a beautiful baby!" Brad said. He hugged me then kissed me forehead.
"Thanks. I bet you'll have one too!" Sam said.
"Do you mean two beautiful babies?" Tess laughed as she rubbed her stomach.
"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.
"We're having twins!" Brad said.
"Really? Congrats!" I said.
Brad and Tess stayed for about 20 minutes then left. Then, it was finally just Sam and I.
"She's ours and nobody can take her!" I said as I looked at Sam.
"Yeah!" He said before kissing me.
"Excuse me, sorry to disturb you but I have your dinners and the birth certificate that you need to fill out." A doctor said.
"Thanks." I replied.
I picked up the birth certificate and got a pen.
"Date and time of birth." I read out loud.
"The seventh of January 2014 at 11:23 am." Sam said proudly.
I wrote it down then red the next thing.
"Full birth name." I said.
"Isabella." Sam said.
"We need a middle name." I said.
"Rose?" Sam asked.
"Yes. I like that. Isabella Rose Fopel-Gioporos." I said as I wrote it down.
"Me too!" Sam said as he picked Isabella up out of her cot. "Hello, princess Isabella Rose." He said.
"Now Isabella," I said. "When you're 4 or 5, don't come asking me for a brother or sister because you probably won't get one until Daddy and I are at least 20." I joked.
"That's right!" Sam said. "We did the wrong thing but now we have you and that's all that matters!" He said.
I was so tired that I fell asleep without anything to eat but I didn't care. I had Isabella now and Sam and her were all I cared about.
2 days later, we were allowed out of the hospital. We drove back to my house and I fed Isabella.
"Damn those boobs of yours look big." Sam said in awe.
"Stop it! They're filled with milk and so they're bigger than they were before!" I said as I playfully slapped him.
"Ok whatever you say. But I wish I was the one sucking them!" He joked. I just laughed and continued feeding her.

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