Everly:CH1: The Beginning Part 2

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"Stop it," her voice is filled with urgency, and loud enough to be heard despite the closed door between us which leads to Wesley's bedroom but it's probably nothing, probably just a tickle fight. I try to shrug it off but something is keeping my feet glued on the spot.

"I said stop it!" Her voice is louder than before.

Crap. It sounds more than nothing, but what if I'm wrong?

"We can't do this Wes I mean it. STOP," she says as I press my ear against the door.

"It's okay. It feels good doesn't it?" Wesley speaks, trying to keep his voice low.

All doubt dissipates instantly, worst case I'm wrong and make a fool of myself but I can hear the fear in her voice. I've heard enough. The rage has my pulse racing. I don't particularly like any of the housemaids' but I'll never forgive myself if I don't at least try to stop him. Not that I know how exactly, I mean it's been years since I did any combat and that was all practice and sparring. Unlike the dreams, I'm not a light caster. Even if I did try to use my spirit magic, I'm so out of practice it will probably backfire, or just not work.

Opening the doors I rush into the room without a plan. Wesley and Mehrin both turn on their heels. Mehrin's natural red hair is hidden under a dark brunette wig which detaches from the sudden movement and falls to the marble floor. They're still mostly clothed.  Wesley's dark grey slacks are at his ankles but his boxer briefs cover his junk while Mehrin's dress is dislodged and sitting around her hips, her underwear still in place.

Thank the celestials for small mercies.

"What the hell are you doing psycho?" Mehrin snaps as she straightens out her little black dress, the uniform they are required to wear, and Wesley quickly pulls up his pants.

Wait . . . what!?

Mehrin doesn't look scared or hurt.

"I thought he was forcing-"

"No, I would never do that!" Wesley interrupts, his nostrils are flaring just as much as Mehrins.

Oh crap. It finally dawns on me and I feel like a complete moron. I've heard about the different types of fetishes. Heard tales about the stuff that goes on in the Red Orb District, what people pay to watch others act out their darkest fantasies.

My pulse is still raging in my ears, but the anger has turned to shame and embarrassment. I don't need to look at myself in the mirror to know my entire face is red. I can feel the heat in my cheeks and on the back of my neck. I can't remember the last time I felt this embarrassed and ashamed.

"I'm sorry, I heard her yelling, I-"

Mehrin charges past me, her shoulder slamming into me in the process. I blame the shock and shame as I lose my balance far too easily and fall to the cold hard floor with a loud thump. Good one idiot. You just got yourself fired. Just when I didn't think I could get any lower, but I mean anyone else would think the same if they were in my position. I'm sure of it. How was I meant to know they were role-playing. I'm not a mind wielder, I don't possess the ability of telepathy.

Wesley grips my hand and pulls me to my feet so hard and fast that if it wasn't for slamming into his chest I would be back on the floor but on the other side of the room. It's far too close for comfort. I can smell the alcohol on his breath, so intense my eyes water slightly in response, vodka is the worst.

"Seriously what the hell were you thinking?" He asks.

Wesley's grip tightens around my upper arms. Neither fight or flight kick in, I'm frozen on the spot. All the strength I had conjured before barging into the room has vanished and is nowhere in sight.

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