Everly:CH4: Haunted Part 2

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Knock, knock . . . knock. 

"Hi, Everly," the constable steps into the room.

She's dressed in blue steel armor. The pieces are thin and lightweight yet full coverage and cover her light brown feathered body which looks more like fur because of how fine and soft the feathers are. Constable Reed is engraved onto the badge which sits against her chest. She's a wind elemental and comes from a prestigious lineage that physically mutated and evolved over many generations.

Constable Reed's dark brown wings are connected under her arms, she has human facial features, vibrant caramel hair- the braids reaching her waist, and human hands with fingers. Standing at six feet tall human legs meet with taloned feet.

"I'll be back," Doc says before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

"I know what you're going to ask but I didn't see who attacked me," I lie. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the disapproval all over Polly's light creamy face. It's his word against mine and I know he will have his housemaids lie for him, probably make up some shit about me crushing on him, Wesley rejecting me, and me "lying" in retaliation. He's a predictable man.

Constable Reed writes on her notepad, "Where were you attacked?"

"On the street."

Another lie.

"Do you remember who hit you? Or notice anybody following you?" she asks.

I shake my head, "No, he or she was completely covered up including their face."

"Why were you out in the storm?"

I shrug, "I didn't know the lightning was being erratic. I thought I'd be fine to make a quick trip to the market."

I should be concerned about how sincere I sound.

"Assault and possible robbery in broad daylight," she shakes her head and continues writing notes.

"Sorry I can't give you more."

"It's fine, thank you for your time, Everly," Constable Reed replies before leaving me and Polly alone.

My head is spinning so fast I feel nauseated. So much for my miracle cure. I was meant to go into my 30's leaving my self-sabotage and frozen heart behind me, but now I have to wait all over again.

"Why the heck would you lie for that bastard Eve!" Polly is on her feet.

"It's me versus him, Polly. I don't stand a chance."

"You have to at least try," Polly is pacing back and forth the few steps. Her hand rubbing her forehead.

"He has his housemaids he can bribe, one versus four, and that's if it even gets that far. Everyone has a price, and Constable Reed might already be Wesley's bitch."

"I hate this," her nostrils are flaring dramatically, hands clenched into fists by her sides.

Tell me about it.

Another knock sounds, the doctor is back already. Can't I get just a few minutes to breathe? The door opens to the last person I expect to see, ever again.

Are you fucking serious?

Wesley closes the door behind him. I grab onto Polly's hand and yank her back before she gets herself charged with assault. If anyone's going to do that, it's me.

"Please just listen. My mother, before you came along she refused to get out of bed, she was so much worse. She needs you. I'm sorry, I know I fucked up, it was the anniversary of Vernah's death. I know it's no excuse but I can give you more money, you know I'm good for it please," Wesley's word explodes from his mouth quickly.

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