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Thousands of years had passed for humanity: Many pyramids were built in Egypt. Mesopotamia's Epics of Gilgamesh were written. The Trojan war lasted for ten years. Cleopatra was the last active ruler of Egypt. The Pax Romana spanned 200 years. Jesus of Nazareth spread his teachings of Christianity. Pompeii was buried under volcanic ash. Muhammed founded Islam. The Norse Vikings garnered a reputation as invaders, rapists, and pillagers. Genghis Khan was the first emperor of the Mongol empire. The Crusades took place during the medieval period. Gutenberg invented the printing press. The Renaissance encouraged the rediscovery of classical literature, philosophy, and art. The great fire of London destroyed the medieval city on the 6th of September 1666. The American Revolution fought for independence. A Great Britain penal colony settled in Australia. The Berlin wall was torn down, and In 1993 the European Union was established. 

When the deities' returned from the divine realm their youngest child had only reached what humans considered adulthood. It was not a happy reunion as to their dismay during their absence the planet had started dying. Humans only cared about convenience no matter the cost to the planet. Hundreds of species had been driven to extinction due to hunting and habitat loss. Soil all over the world was becoming barren. Oceans were reaching alarming temperatures causing the ice glaciers to melt. Islands of garbage were floating around the world. 

After a man-altered virus swept around the world fingers were pointed with blame being thrown and sides being taken. With hostility having reached its peak the impending doom of nuclear war loomed. The deities responded in the nick of time before WW3 could bring about the end of the world. Taking control they abolished governments and made humanity submit to them, and after dividing the continents between each family member the godly beings began working together to heal the world and damage caused by humanity.

It wasn't the deities' intention to shift the tectonic plates but in the end, it was just one of the many drastic changes caused by their magical godly powers, but being mostly one continent again worked in their favour. The world was completely transformed and for some, it was paradise while others were filled with hate and rage for being forced back into what they considered the dark ages, ruled by tyrants under a dictatorship.

The deities' decided to focus on unity. In the beginning, money was scrapped for the battering system, eating amongst other aspects of life became communal and everyone was forced to speak one language with the intention being to demolish all language barriers, prejudices, and racism sadly sacrificing the many distinct cultures in the process.

Now . . . Hundreds of years have passed and the old world of cellular phones, nuclear weapons, and highly advanced technology is practically forgotten. Most of the evidence has been destroyed. Despite a magic-filled world, it's far from perfect. Monsters are becoming a part of daily life for most, but not all look the part. The worst of them can easily blend in with a crowd, their unnatural beauty attracting their victims like a moth to a flame.

Demigods and legacies are humanity's only hope while also being the biggest threat to their survival. The zankou has one goal: to corrupt but that's the least of Everly's worries. She's just trying to survive the darkness in her mind and the negative thoughts that try to weigh her down, drowning her in self-pity and hate. 


Author's note: What do you think of my introduction? To me, it sounds a lot like real life at the minute.

Author's note: What do you think of my introduction? To me, it sounds a lot like real life at the minute

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