Bastian:CH 14: My Favourite Perfume Part 1

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"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Williams asks. 

Sitting behind her desk, the back of her chair is towering behind her like a throne, stacked piles of papers sitting on either side along with framed photographs. During business hours, Williams is as high strung as they come, back straight, not a single hair out of place, shoulders tense, perfectly ironed pastel blue blazer and matching pencil skirt that reaches her ankles, buttoned at the stomach her white blouse peeks out from underneath, no crinkles insight, not a single one.

"Everly will be fine, and getting out of here for a day will do her good," I point out plus I can visit Sierra, and try and forget about my weakness, of giving in to my sexual desires with Everly. It's frustrating, how amazing it feels to be with her.

Shit. Think about something nasty. The last thing I need right now is a boner.

"And if you're wrong?" Williams challenges.

"But I'm never wrong," I reply, "Besides I'll be there to handle any problems, not that there will be any."

Williams still looks unsure.

I smirk, "You don't trust me, Director?"

I've more than proven myself.

"Well you aren't known for your cautiousness, there's a reason Kahlinda is in charge," she points out.

"One can't be born perfect," I shrug, besides, I don't want to be the boss. It's too much responsibility. Too many people looking at you for answers, and blaming you when things go awry.

Williams sits back in her chair, a thoughtful look on her face, "Fine you have my permission, but I expect zero incidents, not a single complaint, do you understand?"

Of course," I nod before standing to my feet. Already dressed in my work out gear; black sweat pants and a matching tank top both embroidered with the guardian emblem, I'm ready for the training session and head straight for my destination.

From the top floor down to the ground floor, skipping a few steps at a time as I descend the stairs, it takes no time at all. The hallways are quiet, the common room occupied by just a few people quietly chatting amongst themselves on the seats.

"Great you found her," I enter the room to see Everly and Kal stretching their glutes. Kal is looking at me with a raised eyebrow, she was probably expecting me to still be angry with her for after yesterday- telling me the Director plans on assigning Everly to our squad, as our trainee. 

It doesn't matter. Not right now, it's a problem for future Bastian. Knowing what tomorrow will bring has raised my spirits so much so there's nothing that can drag me down, it's not because of my meeting with Everly last night.

It's not!

"Remind me again, when did I become your errand girl?" Kal questions kindheartedly. Our outfits nearly match, but Kal is wearing a sports bra instead of a singlet while Everly is in a short sleeve dress that reaches just below the knee, black cotton leggings underneath that match the dress. That's a lot of layers.

"I just got Director Williams to agree on letting us have a day out tomorrow, you should be thanking me or really worshiping the ground I walk on," I reply.

Curiosity swells inside Everly but quickly turns sour. I wonder what that's about? Kal gives me a torn look, a lot like Williams had. I've brought Everly back from the dark abyss each time and protected Sahari from death by fireworks. What do I have to do to prove I've got everything under control?


"Really, a party?" Kal questions clearly not impressed.

Such a joy kill.

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